
Mastering Context Transition in Power BI

A comprehensive study journey to equip you with deep understanding of context transition feature in DAX language for Power BI.

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Mastering Context Transition in Power BI

Introduction to DAX and Power BI

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a library of functions and operators used in Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel. DAX formulas include functions, operators, and constants that can be used to define custom formulas in Power Pivot in Excel or in tabular models in SQL Server Analysis Services. Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights.


Installing Power BI Desktop

  1. Go to the official Power BI page and click on the "Download Free" button.
  2. Follow the prompts to install Power BI Desktop on your machine.

Setting up a Basic Data Model with Power BI Desktop

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Click on "Get Data" and choose "Excel". Navigate to your Excel file and click "Open".
  3. Choose the sheets you want to import then click "Load".
  4. Drag the columns from Fields to Values in the Visualizations pane to start building a report.

Creating Basic DAX Formulas

First, a simple table called Sales is created. It has two columns, Product and Sales. Let's create a measure that sums the Sales column.

  1. On the Home tab, in the Calculations group, click New Measure.
  2. In the formula bar that appears, type the following formula, then press Enter:
    Total Sales = SUM(Sales[Sales])

Using Power BI with DAX

For you to use DAX effectively, your data must be stored in Power BI datasets in tables, where relationships between tables are properly defined. Therefore, you can make a relational query between these tables.

Example: Making a relational query between two tables (Sales and ProductDetails) using DAX.

The Sales table contains:

  • product_id,
  • sales

The ProductDetails table contains:

  • product_id
  • product_name

The DAX formula to compute total sales by product name is as follows:

Sales by Products = 

This DAX formula creates a new table in Power BI with the column 'product_name' and the total sales for each product.


This quick guide provides a brief introduction to DAX and Power BI, showcasing the installation process, creating a basic data model, and application of simple DAX formulas. Through this guide, you are already at the first step of mastering Context Transition in Power BI. Remember, practice is key to mastering any new tool or language. Therefore, the best way to learn DAX and Power BI is to use them in your day-to-day work and experimenting with different formulas and functions.

Introduction to Context Transition in Power BI

Context transition is a powerful feature in Power BI that allows you to modify the context of certain calculations, performing operations like aggregations on a different context than that of the parent operation. In essence, it transforms a row context into an equivalent filter context. This feature is used mostly in conjunction with iterators (*X-functions) and measures.


Context Transition allows us to manipulate how Power BI calculates measures, and it enables the definition of sophisticated calculations which pivot around specific conditions or data groups. Power BI with the help of DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) can handle Context Transition.

Definition: Row Context and Filter Context

Before we dive into Context Transition, we need to understand two important terminologies: Row Context and Filter Context.

  • Row Context: It refers to the context of the current row. For instance, when we're iterating over a table in a DAX formula, the row context is the current row in that iteration.

  • Filter Context: It includes all active and user-applied filters, slicers, and any other way of filtering the data.

Implementation of Context Transition

  1. Creating a measure: Let's begin by creating a simple measure to understand the concept of context transition. Assume we have a table Sales, we create a [Total Sales] measure as follows.

    Total Sales = SUM ( Sales[SalesAmount] )

    This measure on a visual will give us the total sales amount considering the current filter context applied.

  2. Nested measure call: Now, assume we want to calculate the average sales per row in the sales table. We cannot directly use the above Total Sales as it does not have a row context, it understands only filter context.

    This situation is where context transition comes into play. We will use an iterator function AVERAGEX() that performs context transition implicitly. Here is the formula to achieve this.

    Average Sales = AVERAGEX(
                        [Total Sales]

    This measure first provides a row context for the sales table, and then it transforms this row context to filter context when it invokes the nested measure (Total Sales). In other words, a row context containing a single row of the sales table is transformed to a filter context, and in this new context, our [Total Sales] operates.

  3. Explicit context transition: There may be situations where we want to perform context transition explicitly. Let's assume we want to calculate the total sales for each customer's first purchase date only. We need to create a context for each customer's minimum purchase date, and in this context, calculate the total sales. The formula will be as follows:

    First Purchase Sales = 
                        [Total Sales], 
                            Sales[PurchaseDate] = MIN(Sales[PurchaseDate])

    In this, CALCULATE() function modifies the filter context. The FILTER() function iterates row-by-row over Sales[PurchaseDate], thus establishing a row context. When we pass this into CALCULATE(), it transitions this row context into a filter context. In this new context, our [Total Sales] measure operates.

These practical scenarios and DAX formulas should help you get started with the concept of Context Transition and how to harness its power in your Power BI reports.

III. Deep Dive into Context Transition

Context Transition is a DAX functionality that changes the context under which DAX formulas are computed. It is automatic when you use DAX Iterator functions, and also happens during the evaluation of the calculated columns.

Context Transition is essentially a transformation of existing row context into an equivalent filter context. This is an important aspect as the row context only affects the calculation for certain DAX functions, while filter context can affect all calculations.


For practical implementation, we will create an example report and implement context transition in the Power BI Desktop.

Step 1: Create a Table

First, we need to create a sample dataset. In this example, we will create a sales table with columns Date, Product, and Sales.

Date		Product	Sales
2022-01-01	Item1	100
2022-01-02	Item2	200
2022-01-03	Item1	150
2022-01-04	Item3	300
2022-01-05	Item1	400

Click Home -> Enter Data to create this table in Power BI. Let's name it 'SalesTable'.

Step 2: Create a Basic Measure

Next, we will create a basic DAX measure which does not involve any context transition.

TotalSales = SUM ( SalesTable[Sales] )

You can do this by selecting SalesTable -> New Measure and entering the above formula.

Step 3: Creating an Iteration with Context Transition

Now, let's create an iterator function, AVERAGE, which automatically implements a context transition.

AverageSales = AVERAGE ( SalesTable[Sales] )

Click on SalesTable -> New Measure and enter the above command.

Step 4: Implement Row Context into Filter Context

Let's create a calculated column that implements a context transition from the row context to the filter context using the CALCULATE function.

SalesShare = CALCULATE (
                ALL ( SalesTable ),
                VALUES ( SalesTable[Product] )
             ) / [TotalSales]

Here, we create a new context where the TotalSales is calculated for each distinct Product separately by using the VALUES function. This proportion is then divided by the overall TotalSales to get the proportion.


Now, you may visualize these results in a report. A simple table consisting of Date, Product, Sales, TotalSales, AverageSales, and SalesShare can show how context transition affects the calculation of measures in Power BI.

For example, the TotalSales column would return the total sales across all products, while AverageSales will show the average sales per product. The SalesShare will show the proportion of each product's sales to the total sales.

Remember, this deep dive gives an overview of how context transition works in Power BI using basic examples. The actual application in complex scenarios may need a deeper understanding and more sophisticated methods.

Context Transition in DAX: A Practical Implementation

The concept of context transition is a vital part of DAX functionality and can't be underestimated. In this section, we'll take an existing DAX setup and apply context transition, showing how it impacts the results.


You should have a basic knowledge of Power BI and DAX, including row and filter contexts. Also, please note the understanding of your data model and how tables relate to each other is essential to digest context transition completely.


For this example, we'll consider an online electronics store's dataset with two tables: Orders (OrderID, CustomerID, Date, Total) and Customers (CustomerID, Country).

1, 101, 2021-05-06, 1000
2, 102, 2021-05-07, 500
3, 103, 2021-05-08, 700

101, USA
102, UK
103, Australia

No Context Transition

Let’s start observing the DAX query with no context transition. Suppose we want to calculate the total value of orders made by each customer.

We could try to achieve this using a new calculated column in the Customers table:

TOTAL_VALUE = SUM(Orders[Total])

However, we'll encounter an issue. The calculated column operates under row context and not under filter context. It means it doesn't have access to the rows from the Orders table that match the current CustomerID. Thus, it will sum all the values in the Orders[Total] column, leading to incorrect results.

Applying Context Transition

To allow the calculated column to access the related rows from the Orders table, we need to transition from a row context to a filter context. We can achieve this, with a DAX function CALCULATE().


CALCULATE() changes the context in which a calculation is performed. It will transition from the row context to the filter context, allowing the calculation to be aware of the rows in Orders related to the current CustomerID in Customers.

After Context Transition

Having applied the context transition, the TOTAL_VALUE column in the Customers table correctly calculates the total value of orders made by each customer.

101, USA, 1000
102, UK, 500
103, Australia, 700


You have now practically implemented and witnessed the importance of context transition in DAX. With context transition, you can effectively relate and calculate data across different tables in Power BI accordingly. Remember, mastering context transition will offer a more profound insight into your data visualization processes.

5. Pitfalls and Things to Watch Out for in Context Transition

When working with Context Transition in Power BI, it's not always smooth sailing. There are some common errors, misconceptions, and tricky scenarios. This guide will provide some code snippets and practical solutions to those issues.

Understanding Context Transition Errors

As a starting point, let's use the following DAX script:

    SUM ( Orders[Quantity] ),
    Orders[Quantity] > 20

The above DAX code may produce an error. The CALCULATE function attempts to change the context on the Quantity column of the Orders table, but the error happens because context transition changes row contexts into an equivalent filter context but our condition does not define any specific row context. To correct this, we must define a proper row context. For this, wrapping our logic in an aggregating function like AVERAGE would allow this calculation to successfully run:

    SUM ( Orders[Quantity] ),
    AVERAGE ( Orders[Quantity] ) > 20

Misconceptions Around Context Transition

It's easy to assume that context transition behaves similarly to a SQL subquery or JOIN operation. However, this is often not the case. Consider this example:

    SUM ( Orders[Quantity] ),
    Orders[Product] = EARLIER ( Orders[Product] )

Many might expect EARLIER to reference the previous line's value of 'Orders[Product]' which is how a similar function like LAG would work in SQL. But in DAX, EARLIER function returns the value in the current row context under the original filter context (or prior row context). In the absence of a row context, the use of EARLIER in this manner might fail.

Unexpected Results From Implicit Context Transition

Implicit context transition occurs when a DAX function requires context transition but it was not explicitly written using CALCULATE function. Functions like AVERAGEX or MINX implicitly invoke context transition. Occasionally, they can yield unexpected results. For instance:


The above expression aims to calculate the average quantity by each region. However, the ALL function here removes any existing filters on the Orders[Region] field. As AVERAGEX implicitly invokes context transition, it will "reapply" the Orders[Region] field in the row context as a filter. Consequently, you end up calculating the sum of Orders[Quantity] for each region and then average those sums. This might not be the intended calculation, highlighting how implicit context transition can show unexpected results.

Being aware of these pitfalls and having a deeper understanding of how context transition operates in DAX will allow you to navigate these issues and ensure the smooth running of DAX scripts.

6. Practical Application and Case Studies: Mastering Context Transition in Power BI

In order to showcase the practical relevance and application of context transitions, let's demonstrate it through a simple invoice-based case study in Power BI.


Suppose we have a database for the invoice records of a company. There are multiple items in each invoice, and our database consists of a unique invoice ID, the quantity of each item sold, and the price of each individual item.

Our task is to implement and demonstrate context transition in Power BI in the calculation of the total revenue for each invoice.

Data Structure

Let's consider that our data is structured as follows:

InvoiceID ItemID Item Price Quantity
1 1 50 2
1 2 30 1
2 1 50 3
2 3 20 5
3 2 30 4
3 3 20 2

Power BI Implementation

Given this structure, let's dive into Power BI for the implantation.

Step 1: Install and Load Data

Install the Power BI and load the above-mentioned data into Power BI.

Step 2: Create a New Measure

Create a new measure in Power BI to calculate the revenue for each item in the invoice. Click on "New Measure" on the Home tab, named it 'ItemRevenue' and use the following DAX formula:

ItemRevenue = SUM('Table'[Quantity] * 'Table'[Item Price])

Step 3: Applying Context Transition

Now it's time to use context transition to calculate Total Invoice Revenue. Any row context is automatically transitioned to an equivalent filter context in the presence of an aggregating function such as SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE etc. We create another new measure:

TotalInvoiceRevenue = CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[ItemRevenue]))

The CALCULATE function will apply a context transition and convert the existing row context into a filter context. Therefore, the 'ItemRevenue' will be calculated for each row, and then these values will be aggregated to get the 'TotalInvoiceRevenue'.

Step 4: Visualisation

We can now showcase the context transition by creating a table visual. Drag and drop the 'InvoiceID' and 'TotalInvoiceRevenue' fields to the table values.

You should be able to see the total revenue for each invoice, effectively calculated using context transition.

Remember- this example is based on an invoice scenario. However, the core concept of context transition with Filter and Row context applies to a wide range of scenarios in Power BI.

While implementing context transition, always remember that any row context will automatically convert into an equivalent filter context while operating in an aggregation function. It's a powerful feature of DAX functions which opens a wide range of possibilities in data modelling and analytics.