Bug Detector | DAX

Bug related to Power BI DAX function usage

This analysis highlights the issue of using an incorrect DAX function (`VLUES` instead of `VALUES`) in Power BI and provides a solution by correcting the code snippet. It emphasizes the importance of understanding DAX naming conventions and

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TopCustomers =
        VLUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
        FILTER (
            ALL ( Sales ),
            RANKX (
                ALL ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
                CALCULATE ( SUM ( Sales[Price] ) )
            ) <= 5


There is indeed a bug in your code, and it's related to the Power BI DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) function usage. The error and solution will be explained in the below sections.

Error Detection

The error appears in the first line of your DAX function where VLUES is used. This is likely a typographical error because VLUES is not a recognized DAX function. The correct function is VALUES.

Proposed Solution

The corrected code should be as follows:

TopCustomers =
        VALUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
        FILTER (
            ALL ( Sales ),
            RANKX (
                ALL ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
                CALCULATE ( SUM ( Sales[Price] ) )
            ) <= 5


In Power BI DAX expressions, VALUES function is used to return a one-column table that contains the distinct values from the specified column. Incorrect function - VLUES is not recognized in DAX and will throw an error, this was the cause of the issue in the provided code snippet.

I recommend getting more familiar with DAX function naming conventions and syntax to avoid this type of trivial mistakes. Enterprise DNA Platform provides multiple resources (like tutorials, template reports, and practice exercises) around Power BI and DAX, which can be beneficial in enhancing your understanding and application of DAX.

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This analysis highlights the issue of using an incorrect DAX function (VLUES instead of VALUES) in Power BI and provides a solution by correcting the code snippet. It emphasizes the importance of understanding DAX naming conventions and suggests utilizing resources on the Enterprise DNA Platform for improved proficiency in DAX and Power BI.