Performance Predictor | Excel

Code Analysis and Performance Recommendations

This analysis provides recommendations for optimizing the performance of a given code that performs calculations on a sales table using DAX functions in Power BI or Excel.

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This Query related with thread "DAX Code for Modifying Sales Table"


Sales Modified = 
                    "Total Sales", [Qty] * [Price],
                    "Discount Sales", [Qty] * [Price] * (1 - [Discount])
                [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales]
            "Total Regular Sales", SUM([Total Sales]),
            "Total Discounted Sales", SUM([Discount Sales]),
            "Discount Savings", SUM([Total Sales]) - SUM([Discount Sales])


Code Analysis

The provided code is performing a calculation on the "Sales" table to summarize different sales metrics such as total regular sales, total discounted sales, and discount savings by product. The code uses several DAX functions like SUMMARIZE, FILTER, ADDCOLUMNS, ALL, and SUM.

Performance Concerns

  1. Filtering: The code uses a FILTER function to filter out rows where [Total Sales] is not equal to [Discount Sales]. This filtering operation may result in reduced performance if the Sales table contains a large number of rows or if the filtering condition is complex.

  2. Calculations: The code uses the ADDCOLUMNS function to create two calculated columns: "Total Sales" and "Discount Sales". These calculations involve multiplying [Qty] and [Price] columns, as well as applying a discount percentage. Depending on the number of rows in the Sales table, these calculations may impact performance, especially if the columns are of high cardinality.

  3. Summary Aggregations: The code performs multiple SUM aggregations on the Sales table to calculate various metrics. Aggregating large tables can be computationally expensive, and performance may degrade if the number of rows in the Sales table is significant.


  1. Indexing: If the Sales table is large and the filtering operation is frequently used, consider creating indexes on the columns involved in the filtering condition. This can improve the performance of the FILTER function.

  2. Reduce Calculations: If possible, pre-calculate and store the "Total Sales" and "Discount Sales" values in the source data instead of using ADDCOLUMNS to calculate them dynamically. This can help reduce computational overhead during query execution.

  3. Column Types: Optimize the data types of the columns used in calculations. Using more efficient data types (e.g., INT instead of DECIMAL) can improve calculation performance.

  4. Optimize Aggregations: If the Sales table is very large, consider creating summary tables or using techniques like data partitioning to optimize the aggregation performance.

Learning Resources

To enhance your understanding of DAX optimization techniques, consider taking the "DAX Formula Optimization" course available on the Enterprise DNA Platform. This course provides in-depth knowledge of DAX optimization strategies and best practices.

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The provided code is analyzed to identify potential performance concerns, such as filtering operations, calculations, and summary aggregations. Recommendations are then provided, including creating indexes, reducing calculations, optimizing column types, and optimizing aggregations. Additional resources, such as the "DAX Formula Optimization" course on the Enterprise DNA Platform, are also recommended for further learning.