Code Extender | JavaScript

Code Extension - Button Click Functionality

This code extension adds a new button element to an existing HTML page. When the button is clicked, the text content of a paragraph element is changed to "Button was clicked". This functionality can be tested using a test case to verify that the

Empty image or helper icon


// Select an HTML element by its ID
var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");

// Create a new paragraph element
var paragraph = document.createElement("p");

// Set the text content of the paragraph
paragraph.textContent = "Hello, World!";

// Append the paragraph to the selected element


To extend the existing code, integrate the following functionality:

  1. Create a new button element.
  2. Set the text content of the button.
  3. Add an event listener to the button to trigger a function when clicked.
  4. Within the function, change the text content of the paragraph element to "Button was clicked".

The extended code in JavaScript is as follows:

// Select an HTML element by its ID
var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");

// Create a new paragraph element
var paragraph = document.createElement("p");

// Set the text content of the paragraph
paragraph.textContent = "Hello, World!";

// Append the paragraph to the selected element

// Create a new button element
var button = document.createElement("button");

// Set the text content of the button
button.textContent = "Click me";

// Append the button to the selected element

// Add event listener to the button
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
  // Change the text content of the paragraph
  paragraph.textContent = "Button was clicked";

To test the extended code, you can add a test case to verify the functionality. In this case, you can check if the text content of the paragraph changes when the button is clicked:

// Check if the paragraph text changes when the button is clicked;
console.assert(paragraph.textContent === "Button was clicked", "Paragraph text should change when the button is clicked");

By integrating this functionality, a new button will be added to the output element. When the button is clicked, the text content of the paragraph element will change to "Button was clicked".

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This code extension adds a new button element to an existing HTML page. When the button is clicked, the text content of a paragraph element is changed to "Button was clicked". This functionality can be tested using a test case to verify that the paragraph text changes correctly. Enhance your web development and JavaScript skills with courses offered by Enterprise DNA.