Language Translator | VBA

Count New Customers

This VBA code counts the number of new customers based on the maximum date value in a range of sales data.

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FROM Sales
WHERE CustomerID IN (
    FROM Sales
    WHERE Date <= (SELECT MAX(Date) FROM Sales)
        AND SalesAmount > 0


Dim NewCustomers As Long
Dim SalesDate As Date
Dim MaxDate As Date
Dim CustomerID As Long

MaxDate = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("Sales[Date]"))

For Each cell In Range("Sales[Date]")
    If cell.Value <= MaxDate And cell.Offset(0, 1).Value > 0 Then
        NewCustomers = NewCustomers + 1
    End If
Next cell

MsgBox "New Customers: " & NewCustomers, vbInformation, "Result"


  • Declare variables: NewCustomers as Long, SalesDate as Date, MaxDate as Date, and CustomerID as Long.
  • Set MaxDate to the maximum date value in the "Sales" range.
  • Iterate through each cell in the "Sales" range.
  • Check if the date in the current cell is less than or equal to MaxDate and the value in the cell to the right of it is greater than 0.
  • If the conditions are met, increment the NewCustomers variable by 1.
  • Display the total number of new customers in a message box.

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This VBA code calculates the number of new customers using a given range of sales data. It starts by declaring necessary variables: NewCustomers to keep track of the count, SalesDate and MaxDate as date variables, and CustomerID to store the customer ID (although it is not used in this code snippet).

The code then assigns the maximum date value from the "Sales" range to the MaxDate variable using the Max function of the WorksheetFunction object.

Next, it iterates through each cell in the "Sales" range and checks if the date value in the current cell is less than or equal to MaxDate and if the value in the cell to the right of it is greater than 0. If these conditions are met, it increments the NewCustomers variable by 1.

Finally, the code displays the total number of new customers in a message box using the MsgBox function.

This VBA code is useful for businesses or individuals who want to track the number of new customers based on sales data. It can be customized to fit different scenarios by modifying the range or adding additional conditions as per requirements.