Database Query Writer | SQL

Creating a Table to Track New Customers Each Month

This SQL query explains how to create a table named 'new_customers_each_month' that tracks the number of brand new customers each month. The query extracts the year and month from the order date, counts the distinct customer IDs, and groups the data...

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Create a table from a sales table over multiple years, that shows brand new customers each month


To create a table that shows brand new customers each month, we can use the following SQL query:

CREATE TABLE new_customers_each_month AS
       EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS month,
       COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) AS new_customers
FROM sales
WHERE customer_id NOT IN (
    SELECT DISTINCT customer_id
    FROM sales
    WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) > (SELECT MIN(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date)) FROM sales)
GROUP BY year, month;


  • The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table named new_customers_each_month.
  • The SELECT statement retrieves the required data:
    • EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) and EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) are used to extract the year and month from the order_date column.
    • COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) counts the number of distinct customer IDs.
  • The WHERE clause filters the customers who placed their first order in the current year:
    • The subquery (SELECT MIN(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date)) FROM sales) retrieves the earliest year from the sales data.
    • customer_id NOT IN (...) excludes customers who placed an order in any year after the earliest year.
  • Finally, the GROUP BY clause groups the data by year and month.

Note: The SQL query assumes that the original sales table is named sales. Make sure to replace it with the actual name of your sales table.

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