Skills Advisor | Data Visualization

Customer Analysis for Visalia

This guide outlines the steps to conduct a new or lost customer analysis for Visalia using visualizations. It covers data preparation, customer segmentation, new and lost customer analysis, cohort analysis, geographical analysis, and provides recomme...

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What would be the best way to Visalia’s new or lost customer analysis


To conduct a new or lost customer analysis for Visalia, the best approach would be to use a combination of visualizations that highlight trends and patterns in customer data. Here are the main steps to follow:

  1. Data Preparation:

    • Start by gathering customer data, including relevant fields such as customer ID, date of purchase, and purchase amount.
    • Clean and organize the data to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  2. Customer Segmentation:

    • Group customers based on specific criteria, such as product category or geographical region.
    • Utilize visualizations like bar charts or pie charts to show the distribution of customers across different segments.
  3. New Customer Analysis:

    • Visualize the number of new customers acquired over time using a line chart or area chart.
    • Compare the acquisition of new customers across different periods (e.g., months or quarters) to identify trends and growth patterns.
    • Calculate metrics such as new customer growth rate and compare it with industry benchmarks or previous periods.
  4. Lost Customer Analysis:

    • Create a visualization, such as a stacked bar chart, to show the reasons for customer attrition (e.g., customer churn).
    • Analyze the percentage of lost customers compared to the overall customer base.
    • Identify patterns or commonalities among lost customers and their characteristics.
  5. Cohort Analysis:

    • Use a cohort analysis, which groups customers based on the period they made their first purchase, to track customer retention and identify any drops or spikes in customer loyalty.
    • Visualize customer retention rates using line charts or heatmaps to spot trends over time.
  6. Geographical Analysis:

    • Map the location of new customers and lost customers to identify any geographic trends.
    • Use heatmaps or bubble maps to showcase concentration or dispersion of customers across different regions.
  7. Recommendations and Insights:

    • Summarize the key findings and insights from the data visualizations.
    • Identify actionable steps to improve customer acquisition and retention based on the patterns discovered.
    • Share the visualizations and insights with stakeholders to drive data-informed decision-making.

The above steps will help you gain valuable insights into new and lost customers, enabling you to make strategic decisions to improve customer acquisition and retention.

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