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Customer Ranking by Total Sales in DAX

This DAX expression ranks customers based on total sales in descending order. Utilizes RANKX, ALL, and DESC functions for precise evaluation and sorting.

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This Query related with thread "DAX Advanced Functions Exploration"


Customer Rank = RANKX(ALL(Sales[CustomerID]), [Total Sales], , DESC)

I need a detailed breakdown of how this works


The DAX expression you have provided is used to rank customers based on total sales in a descending order. Let's break it down:

Customer Rank = RANKX(ALL(Sales[CustomerID]), [Total Sales], , DESC)

Here's an explanation of each component of the expression:

RANKX function

RANKX is a function in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) that returns the rank of an element in a list of elements. The RANKX function in DAX receives a table as one of the inputs and returns the rank of a specific value in that table.

ALL function

The ALL function is a type of filter function in DAX that returns all the data in a table or column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied.

In this case, ALL(Sales[CustomerID]) is returning a table that contains all the unique CustomerID values from the Sales table without any filters applied.

[Total Sales]

This is a measure that is not defined in the provided DAX expression. We can presume it calculates the total sales for each customer. For instance, it may be defined as:

Total Sales = SUM(Sales[SalesAmount])


This is the order parameter of the RANKX function. DESC means that the ranking will be done in descending order. In this case, the customer with the highest sales amount will be ranked 1.

In summary:

The expression RANKX(ALL(Sales[CustomerID]), [Total Sales], , DESC) is ranking each unique CustomerID based on the Total Sales measure in descending order. The output will be a number representing the rank of each CustomerID based on total sales, with 1 being the highest sales.

Please note that this may not exactly represent your model as the Total Sales measure was not provided in your question, and the context of the model was not provided.

You can learn more about each of these DAX functions and the concepts used in this expression in the numerous courses and resources available on the Enterprise DNA platform.

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This DAX expression ranks customers based on total sales in descending order. Utilizes RANKX, ALL, and DESC functions for precise evaluation and sorting.