Language Translator | SQL

DAX to SQL Customer Count

This code provides a translation of DAX code into SQL, specifically counting the number of new customers based on certain criteria.

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NewCustomers :=
    DISTINCTCOUNT ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
    FILTER (
        ALL ( Sales ),
            VALUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
            FILTER (
                ALL ( Sales[Date] ),
                Sales[Date] <= MAX ( Sales[Date]) && Sales[SalesAmount] > 0


The given DAX code can be translated to SQL as follows:

FROM Sales
WHERE CustomerID IN (
    FROM Sales
    WHERE Date <= (SELECT MAX(Date) FROM Sales)
        AND SalesAmount > 0


  • The outer SELECT statement is used to calculate the distinct count of customer IDs, which will be the result of the NewCustomers calculation.
  • The FROM clause specifies the Sales table.
  • The WHERE clause filters the rows based on the condition that the CustomerID is included in the subquery.
  • The subquery selects distinct CustomerIDs from the Sales table where the Date is less than or equal to the maximum date in the Sales table and the SalesAmount is greater than 0.


  • The SQL translation assumes that the Sales table has columns CustomerID, Date, and SalesAmount.
  • The subquery in SQL ensures that only distinct CustomerIDs are included in the final count, similar to the DISTINCTCOUNT function in DAX.
  • The ALL function in DAX is replaced with the subquery to retrieve all rows from the Sales table in SQL.

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The provided DAX code is translated into SQL to calculate the count of new customers. The SQL query selects all distinct CustomerIDs from the Sales table where the Date is less than or equal to the maximum date in the Sales table and the SalesAmount is greater than 0. The outer query then calculates the distinct count of CustomerIDs, which represents the number of new customers. This translation assumes that the Sales table has columns for CustomerID, Date, and SalesAmount.