Design Pattern Implementer | Excel

Decorator Pattern for Capital Letters

The Decorator Pattern allows us to dynamically add new functionality to a column of data without modifying its original implementation. In this case, we can use the Decorator Pattern to convert the data in a column to capital letters. This makes the...

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How can I create capital letters for a column of data


Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern

The Decorator Pattern allows us to dynamically add new functionality to an object without modifying its structure. In the context of creating capital letters for a column of data, we can use the Decorator Pattern to enhance the existing functionality of the column and convert the data to capital letters.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Create an interface or abstract class that defines the base behavior for the column.
  2. Implement a concrete class that represents the original behavior of the column.
  3. Create a decorator class that extends the base class/interface and wraps an instance of the base class.
  4. Add a new behavior to the decorator class that converts the data to capital letters.
  5. Use the decorator class to enhance the behavior of the original column.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

# Step 1: Define the base behavior for the column
class DataColumn:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
    def get_data(self):

# Step 2: Implement the original behavior of the column
class OriginalColumn(DataColumn):
    def __init__(self, data):

# Step 3: Create the decorator class
class CapitalLettersColumn(DataColumn):
    def __init__(self, original):
        self.original = original
    # Step 4: Add new behavior to the decorator class
    def get_data(self):
        data = self.original.get_data()
        return data.upper()

# Step 5: Use the decorator class to enhance the behavior of the original column
data_column = OriginalColumn("example data")
decorated_column = CapitalLettersColumn(data_column)
capital_data = decorated_column.get_data() # Returns "EXAMPLE DATA"

In this implementation, the DataColumn is the base behavior for the column, the OriginalColumn is the concrete class that represents the original behavior, and the CapitalLettersColumn is the decorator class that adds the new behavior of converting the data to capital letters. We create an instance of OriginalColumn and then wrap it with an instance of CapitalLettersColumn to enhance its behavior.

By following the Decorator Pattern, we can easily add new functionality to the column without modifying its original implementation. This makes the code more flexible and maintainable.

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The Decorator Pattern is a design pattern that allows us to add additional functionalities to an object dynamically without modifying its original implementation. In the context of converting a column of data to capital letters, we can use the Decorator Pattern to enhance the existing behavior of the column.

The implementation steps for the Decorator Pattern are as follows:

  1. Define the base behavior for the column using an interface or abstract class.
  2. Implement the original behavior of the column in a concrete class.
  3. Create a decorator class that extends the base class/interface and wraps an instance of the base class.
  4. Add the new behavior to the decorator class.
  5. Use the decorator class to enhance the behavior of the original column.

The provided example demonstrates the implementation of the Decorator Pattern in Python. The DataColumn class serves as the base behavior for the column, the OriginalColumn class represents the original behavior, and the CapitalLettersColumn class is the decorator that converts the data to capital letters. By wrapping an instance of OriginalColumn with CapitalLettersColumn, we can easily add the functionality of converting the data to capital letters without modifying the existing code.

By utilizing the Decorator Pattern, we achieve a flexible and maintainable solution that allows us to enhance the behavior of the column without directly modifying its original implementation.