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Function to Get Common Security Packages for Express.js

This JavaScript function retrieves an array of common security packages for Express.js, including "helmet", "express-rate-limit", "csurf", "cors", and "express-validator". The example of usage demonstrates how to call the function and the expected

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what are the most common security packages for express.js


 * Function to get the most common security packages for Express.js
 * @returns {array} Array of common security packages for Express.js
function getCommonSecurityPackages() {
  // List of common security packages
  const securityPackages = [

  return securityPackages;

Example of usage:

const commonSecurityPackages = getCommonSecurityPackages();
// Output: ["helmet", "express-rate-limit", "csurf", "cors", "express-validator"]

Unit testing:

// Unit test for getCommonSecurityPackages function
const assert = require('assert');

// Test case 1
const test1 = getCommonSecurityPackages();
const expected1 = ["helmet", "express-rate-limit", "csurf", "cors", "express-validator"];
assert.deepStrictEqual(test1, expected1, 'Test case 1 failed');

// Test case 2 - Edge case: empty array
// ... (write additional test cases as needed)

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This JavaScript function retrieves an array of common security packages for Express.js, including "helmet", "express-rate-limit", "csurf", "cors", and "express-validator". The example of usage demonstrates how to call the function and the expected output. Additionally, it provides a unit testing example with test cases for validation.