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Importing Package in Express.js

This code snippet demonstrates the correct method to import and utilize the 'express' package in an Express.js application, enhancing modularity and encouraging best practices for code organization and efficiency. The provided function

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how to imposrt a package in express js the right way?


 * This function demonstrates how to import a package in Express.js the right way
 * @param {object} app - The Express application
function importExpressPackage(app) {
  // Import the express package
  const express = require('express');

  // Create an instance of the express application
  const expressApp = express();

  // Use the imported package with the express application

Example of usage:

// Require the express package
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

// Call the importExpressPackage function

Unit testing:

// Test case to check if the express package is imported correctly
const mockApp = {
  use: jest.fn(),

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Your current query will become the main foundation for the thread, which you can expand with other tools presented on our platform. We will help you choose tools so that your thread is structured and logically built.


This code snippet demonstrates the correct method to import and utilize the 'express' package in an Express.js application, enhancing modularity and encouraging best practices for code organization and efficiency. The provided function 'importExpressPackage' encapsulates the process of importing the 'express' package and integrating it with the Express application, facilitating reusability and maintainability. The example and unit testing showcase the usage and verification of the function within an Express.js environment.