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Input Validation and Sanitization in Dynamic SQL Queries

This code documentation showcases how to ensure input validation and sanitization when executing dynamic SQL queries. It explains the use of parameterized queries to mitigate SQL injection risks and how to handle errors using a TRY-CATCH block. Testi...

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This Query related with thread "Guidelines for Working with Dynamic SQL Queries"


-- Ensure input validation and sanitization

DECLARE @inputValue NVARCHAR(50);
SET @inputValue = 'Robert''; DROP TABLE Student;--';

-- Use parameterized query

SET @sqlQuery = N'SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Name = @name';

EXEC sp_executesql @sqlQuery, N'@name NVARCHAR(50)', @name = @inputValue;

-- Error handling

    -- Execute dynamic SQL
    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlQuery, N'@name NVARCHAR(50)', @name = @inputValue;
    -- Log and handle the error

-- Testing and validation

DECLARE @parameterValue NVARCHAR(50);
SET @parameterValue = 'John';

SET @sqlQuery = N'SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Name = @name';

EXEC sp_executesql @sqlQuery, N'@name NVARCHAR(50)', @name = @parameterValue;

-- Perform testing with different input values and edge cases


Code Documentation - Ensure Input Validation and Sanitization

This code snippet showcases how to ensure input validation and sanitization when executing dynamic SQL queries.

Input Validation

  1. The variable @inputValue is used to store the input value. In this case, it is set to 'Robert''; DROP TABLE Student;--' to demonstrate a potential SQL injection vulnerability.

Sanitization and Parameterized Query

  1. To mitigate SQL injection risks, a parameterized query is used.
  2. The variable @sqlQuery is declared to store the SQL query with a placeholder @name parameter.
  3. The sp_executesql system stored procedure is then executed with the query and the @name parameter definition.
    • The @name parameter is set to the @inputValue value.
    • This ensures that the input value is treated as data and not executable code.

Error Handling

  1. To handle errors, the dynamic SQL execution is wrapped inside a TRY-CATCH block.
  2. If an error occurs during execution, it is caught in the CATCH block.
    • The error details are retrieved using ERROR_NUMBER(), ERROR_MESSAGE(), and GETDATE().
    • These details can be logged or used for further error handling.

Testing and Validation

  1. To test with different input values and edge cases, a new input value is assigned to @parameterValue.
    • In this example, it is set to 'John'.
  2. The sp_executesql is then executed again with the new input value to validate the functionality.

It is important to note that this code snippet focuses on input validation and sanitization techniques within the context of dynamic SQL execution. Additional security measures, such as server-side input validation, should be implemented to strengthen the overall security of the application.

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This code documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to ensure input validation and sanitization when executing dynamic SQL queries. It highlights the potential risks of SQL injection and demonstrates the use of parameterized queries to prevent them. The code also includes error handling using a TRY-CATCH block to capture and handle any exceptions that may occur during execution. Additionally, testing and validation steps are provided to demonstrate the functionality of the code with different input values. It emphasizes the importance of implementing server-side input validation to further enhance the security of the application.