Code Generator | JavaScript

JavaScript Hangman Game Creator Function

This JavaScript function creates a hangman game using jQuery, allowing users to guess a word by revealing letters one at a time. It includes functions to handle guesses, update the guessed word, and check game status.

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creates a hangman game in jquery


JavaScript Hangman Game Function

 * Function to create a hangman game using jQuery
 * @param {string} word - The word to be guessed in the game
function createHangmanGame(word) {
    // Initialize variables
    let guessedWord = Array(word.length).fill('_');
    let remainingGuesses = 6;
    let guessedLetters = [];

    // Function to check if the guessed letter is in the word
    const checkGuess = (letter) => {
        // Logic to check if the letter is in the word

    // Function to update the guessed word with correctly guessed letters
    const updateGuessedWord = () => {
        // Logic to update the guessed word

    // Function to handle user's guess
    const handleGuess = (letter) => {
        // Logic to handle the user's guess

    // Function to check if the game is over
    const isGameOver = () => {
        // Logic to check if the game is over

    // Return object with public methods
    return {

// Example
const hangmanGame = createHangmanGame('hangman');

Unit Testing

// Test creating a hangman game
const hangmanGame = createHangmanGame('hangman');

// Test initial values
console.log(hangmanGame.remainingGuesses === 6);
console.log(hangmanGame.guessedWord.join('') === '_______');
console.log(hangmanGame.guessedLetters.length === 0);

// Test handling guess
console.log(hangmanGame.remainingGuesses === 6);
console.log(hangmanGame.guessedWord.join('') === 'h______');
console.log(hangmanGame.guessedLetters.join('') === 'h');

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This JavaScript function creates a hangman game using jQuery, allowing users to guess a word by revealing letters one at a time. It includes functions to handle guesses, update the guessed word, and check game status.