Logic Visualizer

Maximum Number Finder

This code finds the maximum number in a given list of numbers.

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Visualize logic of: def find_max(numbers):
    max_num = numbers[0]  # Assume first number is the max
    for number in numbers:
        if number > max_num:
            max_num = number
    return max_num

num_list = [34, 78, 19, 45, 81, 23]
maximum = find_max(num_list)
print("The maximum number is:", maximum)


def find_max(numbers):
    max_num = numbers[0]  # Assume first number is the max
    for number in numbers:
        if number > max_num:
            max_num = number
    return max_num

num_list = [34, 78, 19, 45, 81, 23]
maximum = find_max(num_list)
print("The maximum number is:", maximum)

The code above represents a function find_max which finds the maximum number in a given list of numbers. Here's the visualization of the logic:

start -> input `numbers`
max_num = numbers[0]    # store the first number in the list as the assumed maximum
for number in numbers:  # iterate through each number in the list
    if number > max_num:    # check if the current number is greater than the assumed maximum
        max_num = number    # if it is, update the assumed maximum
return max_num    # return the maximum number found

max_num = find_max(num_list)    # call the `find_max` function with `num_list` as the argument
print("The maximum number is:", max_num)    # display the maximum number

The find_max function initializes the max_num variable with the first element of the numbers list. It then iterates over each element in the numbers list and compares it with the current maximum. If the current element is greater than the current maximum, the maximum is updated. Finally, the function returns the maximum number found.

In the main program, a list of numbers num_list is defined. The find_max function is called with num_list as the argument, and the returned maximum number is stored in the maximum variable. Finally, the maximum number is displayed using the print statement.

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The Maximum Number Finder is a code that aims to find the maximum number in a given list of numbers. The code defines a function called find_max which takes a list of numbers as input and returns the maximum number found in the list. The function first assumes the first number in the list as the maximum number, and then iterates through each number in the list, comparing it with the current maximum. If a number is found to be greater than the current maximum, the maximum is updated. Finally, the function returns the maximum number found.

In the main program, a list of numbers is defined and passed as an argument to the find_max function. The maximum number returned by the function is then stored in a variable called maximum. Finally, the maximum number is displayed using the print statement.