Skills Advisor | Data Transformation

Merging Data Tables in Power Query

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to merge data tables together using the "Merge" function in Power Query. It covers topics such as loading tables, selecting tables to merge, configuring the merge, choosing the merge type, renaming c...

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How would you merge data tables together in power query


To merge data tables together in Power Query, you can use the "Merge" function. This function allows you to combine data from multiple tables based on common columns. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Load the tables: Start by loading the tables that you want to merge into Power Query. You can do this by going to the "Data" tab, selecting the data source, and importing the tables.

  2. Select the first table: Once the tables are loaded, select the first table that you want to merge.

  3. Merge with another table: In the "Home" tab, click on the "Merge Queries" button. A dialog box will appear.

  4. Configure the merge: In the dialog box, select the second table that you want to merge with the first one. Choose the columns that you want to use as the matching criteria for the merge. You can select multiple columns by holding the Ctrl key.

  5. Choose the merge type: Choose the merge type based on your requirements. The available options are "Inner Join", "Left Outer Join", "Right Outer Join", and "Full Outer Join". Each option determines how the data from the two tables will be combined.

  6. Rename columns (optional): By default, the merged columns will be named as "Table.Column". You can rename them by right-clicking on the column headers and selecting "Rename".

  7. Load the merged table: Once you have configured the merge settings and renamed the columns (if necessary), click on the "Close & Load" button to load the merged table into Excel.

That's it! You have successfully merged data tables together in Power Query. Make sure to preview the results before loading the table to ensure that the merge has been performed correctly.

If you need further assistance with Power Query or any other data transformation techniques, I recommend checking out the courses available on the Enterprise DNA platform. They offer comprehensive training on Power Query and other data analytics tools.

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This tutorial explains how to use the "Merge" function in Power Query to combine data from multiple tables based on common columns. It provides a detailed step-by-step guide, starting with loading the tables into Power Query, selecting the tables to merge, configuring the merge settings, choosing the appropriate merge type, and finally loading the merged table into Excel. The tutorial also mentions the option to rename columns and emphasizes the importance of previewing the results before loading the merged table. It suggests checking out the Enterprise DNA platform for further assistance and training on Power Query and other data analytics tools.