Syntax Corrector | Excel

Modified Sales Summary

Calculates the total regular sales, total discounted sales, and discount savings for each product in the Sales table.

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This Query related with thread "DAX Code for Modifying Sales Table"


Sales Modified = 
                    "Total Sales", [Qty] * [Price],
                    "Discount Sales", [Qty] * [Price] * (1 - [Discount])
                [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales]
            "Total Regular Sales", SUM([Total Sales]),
            "Total Discounted Sales", SUM([Discount Sales]),
            "Discount Savings", SUM([Total Sales]) - SUM([Discount Sales])


SalesModified = SUMMARIZE(
            "Total Sales", Sales[Qty] * Sales[Price],
            "Discount Sales", Sales[Qty] * Sales[Price] * (1 - Sales[Discount])
        [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales]
    "Total Regular Sales", SUM(Sales[Total Sales]),
    "Total Discounted Sales", SUM(Sales[Discount Sales]),
    "Discount Savings", SUM(Sales[Total Sales]) - SUM(Sales[Discount Sales])

The syntax errors in the code have been fixed. The main changes made are:

  1. Added the table name Sales before column names Qty, Price, and Discount in the ADDCOLUMNS function.
  2. Replaced [Product] with Sales[Product] in the SUMMARIZE function, specifying the table name for the column.
  3. Added the table name Sales before column names Total Sales and Discount Sales in the filter condition [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales].
  4. Added the table name Sales before column names Total Sales and Discount Sales in the SUM function for calculating "Total Regular Sales", "Total Discounted Sales", and "Discount Savings".

These changes ensure that the code references the correct table and column names, fixing the syntax errors.

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This modified code calculates the total regular sales, total discounted sales, and discount savings for each product in the Sales table. It adds two new columns to the Sales table, "Total Sales" and "Discount Sales", by multiplying the quantity and price columns. Then, it applies a filter to exclude rows where the "Total Sales" is equal to the "Discount Sales". Finally, it uses the SUMMARIZE function to group the data by product and calculate the total regular sales, total discounted sales, and discount savings for each product. The modified code ensures that the correct table and column names are used, fixing any syntax errors.