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Power BI DAX: Understanding SUM and SUMX

Learn the difference between the SUM and SUMX measures in Power BI DAX, and when to use each one.

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What is the main difference between SUM and SUMX


Power BI DAX: Understanding SUM and SUMX

The difference between the two measures lies with their intended use.

  1. SUM: This is a simple aggregation function that adds up values in a specific column of a table. It doesn’t help you write complex logic and nested calculations.

Code snippet:

Total Sales = SUM('Sales'[Sales Amount])
  1. SUMX: This powerful measure calculates an expression for each row in a table and later sums up those results. It is a more flexible version of the SUM function with the ability to implement complex logic.

Code snippet:

Total Sales = SUMX('Sales', 'Sales'[Unit Price]*'Sales'[Quantity])

This calculates total sales by multiplicating unit price and quantity for each row, then summing them all up.

In order to achieve a complex calculation in your dataset, you may consider using SUMX as it brings more flexibility and room for extra logic implementation in a calculation. To simply sum up a column of numbers, SUM is more suitable.

If you'd like to expand your understanding of DAX and its numerous functions in style with Enterprise DNA courses, you might want to consider taking the "Mastering DAX Calculations" course. It's a great resource covering not just SUM and SUMX but a multitude of other crucial DAX functions as well.

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This article explains the distinction between the SUM and SUMX measures in Power BI's DAX language. The SUM measure is a simple aggregation function that adds up values in a specific column, while the SUMX measure calculates an expression for each row in a table and then sums up the results. The example code snippets demonstrate how to use each measure. The article also recommends using SUMX for complex calculations that require extra logic implementation, and provides a course recommendation for further learning.