Code Best Practices Checker | SQL

Refactored PL/SQL Code for Employee Table Iteration

This refactored PL/SQL code eliminates the need for explicit cursor operations and simplifies the iteration over employee names in the employees_table. It improves code readability and conciseness, while also suggesting the use of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LIN...

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This Query related with thread "SQL Function with Multiple Loops"


    cursor1 CURSOR FOR SELECT employee_name FROM employees_table;
    emp_name VARCHAR2(50);
    OPEN cursor1;
        FETCH cursor1 INTO emp_name;
        EXIT WHEN cursor1%NOTFOUND;
        -- Perform operations on emp_name
        -- e.g. PRINT emp_name;
    CLOSE cursor1;


Language: PL/SQL

Refactored code:

    FOR emp_rec IN (SELECT employee_name FROM employees_table)
        -- Perform operations on emp_rec.employee_name
        -- e.g. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(emp_rec.employee_name);

Main Changes:

  • Removed the DECLARE keyword as it is not required in the refactored version.
  • Replaced the cursor declaration and opening with a simplified FOR loop that iterates over the result set directly.
  • Removed the explicit FETCH statement as it is not required in the FOR loop.
  • Replaced the %NOTFOUND condition with a simplified loop exit condition using the implicit cursor attribute %FOUND.
  • Replaced the PRINT statement with DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to display the emp_name (commented out in the refactored version).
  • Removed the explicit CLOSE statement as it is not required in the refactored version.


  • The refactored version eliminates the need for explicit cursor declaration, opening, fetching, and closing, making the code more concise and readable.
  • The FOR loop simplifies the iteration over the result set, implicitly handling the cursor operations.
  • The use of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE allows for printing output in PL/SQL.

Additional Suggestions:

  • Consider adding exception handling to deal with any potential errors during the iteration process.
  • Evaluate if there are any existing indexes or performance considerations that could be applied to optimize the query execution.

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