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Sales Data Modification

Modifies the Sales table by adding columns and filtering data based on a condition

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Sales Modified = 
            "Total Sales", [Qty] * [Price],
            "Discount Sales", [Qty] * [Price] * (1 -  [Discount])
        [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales]
    "Total Regular Sales", SUM([Total Sales]),
    "Total Discounted Sales", SUM([Discount Sales]),
    "Discount Savings", SUM([Total Sales]) - SUM([Discount Sales])


Code Documentation: Sales Modified

This code snippet is written in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) and is used to modify the Sales table by adding additional columns and filtering out certain rows based on a condition.

Method Signature

The method signature for the code snippet is as follows:

Sales Modified = 
                    "Total Sales", [Qty] * [Price],
                    "Discount Sales", [Qty] * [Price] * (1 - [Discount])
                [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales]
            "Total Regular Sales", SUM([Total Sales]),
            "Total Discounted Sales", SUM([Discount Sales]),
            "Discount Savings", SUM([Total Sales]) - SUM([Discount Sales])

Method Description

The code snippet performs the following steps:

  1. EVALUATE: This DAX function sets up the evaluation context for the following expression.
  2. SUMMARIZE: This function summarizes the filtered data from the Sales table and groups it by the [Product] column.
  3. FILTER: This function filters out the rows from the Sales table based on the condition [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales].
  4. ADDCOLUMNS: This function adds two additional columns to the filtered data: "Total Sales" and "Discount Sales".
    • "Total Sales": Calculates the total sales by multiplying [Qty] (quantity) with [Price].
    • "Discount Sales": Calculates the discounted sales by multiplying [Qty] with [Price] and subtracting the discounted amount.
  5. SUM: This function calculates the sum of the specified columns: "Total Regular Sales", "Total Discounted Sales", and "Discount Savings".
    • "Total Regular Sales": Aggregates the total sales for each product.
    • "Total Discounted Sales": Aggregates the discounted sales for each product.
    • "Discount Savings": Calculates the difference between the total sales and discounted sales for each product.

Comments and Readability

The code snippet lacks detailed comments and inline explanations. It would be beneficial to add comments to describe the purpose of each step and provide context for future reference. Additionally, formatting the code snippet with proper indentation will improve its readability.

It is recommended to use descriptive variable and column names that accurately reflect their purpose. This will make the code more understandable and maintainable.

Training Recommendation

To enhance your DAX skills and learn more about advanced techniques, consider exploring the DAX courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform. These courses cover a wide range of topics, from basic to advanced, and provide in-depth knowledge of DAX and Power BI.

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This code snippet written in DAX modifies the Sales table by adding additional columns ("Total Sales" and "Discount Sales") and filtering out rows where the total sales is equal to the discounted sales. It then summarizes the modified data, grouping it by product and calculating the total regular sales, total discounted sales, and discount savings. To improve clarity, it is recommended to add comments and improve code formatting. Consider exploring DAX courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform to enhance your skills and learn advanced techniques.