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SQL Function to Join 3 Morph Tables

This SQL function named 'dbo.JoinThreeMorphTables' joins three morph tables based on common IDs and returns a resultset of the combined data. The function takes the names of the three tables as parameters and performs inner joins to link

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joins 3 morph tables


Function to join 3 morph tables in SQL
@table1 - Name of the first morph table
@table2 - Name of the second morph table
@table3 - Name of the third morph table
@return - Resultset of joining all 3 morph tables

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.JoinThreeMorphTables
    @table1 NVARCHAR(50),
    @table2 NVARCHAR(50),
    @table3 NVARCHAR(50)
    SELECT *
    FROM @table1
    JOIN @table2 ON =
    JOIN @table3 ON =

Example of usage:

FROM dbo.JoinThreeMorphTables('table1', 'table2', 'table3');

Unit Testing:

  • Test the function by calling it with sample morph table names and validating the expected result.
  • Verify that the function returns the correct joined resultset from the 3 morph tables.

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This SQL function named 'dbo.JoinThreeMorphTables' joins three morph tables based on common IDs and returns a resultset of the combined data. The function takes the names of the three tables as parameters and performs inner joins to link them together. It can be used to consolidate data from related tables efficiently. The example provided demonstrates how to call the function with sample table names to retrieve the merged data. Additionally, unit testing guidelines are included to ensure the function produces accurate results.