Code Explainer

SQL Trigger for Logging Employee Insertion

Explanation and example of a SQL trigger code designed to log information into a separate table after a new employee record is inserted, capturing event details with timestamps.

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CREATE TRIGGER Log_EmployeeInsert
ON Employee
SELECT 'New Employee data inserted on ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE());


Explanation of SQL Trigger Code

The given code snippet is a SQL trigger that is designed to log information into another table (LogTable) after a new record is inserted into the Employee table.

Components of the Trigger

  1. Trigger Name: Log_EmployeeInsert - Name of the trigger created.

  2. Trigger Event: AFTER INSERT - Specifies that the trigger will fire after an insertion operation on the Employee table.

  3. Trigger Action:

    INSERT INTO LogTable 
    SELECT 'New Employee data inserted on ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE());
    • This action inserts a new row into the LogTable table.
    • The inserted row contains a string indicating that new employee data has been inserted, along with the current date and time.


  • This trigger ensures that every time a new record is inserted into the Employee table, a corresponding entry will be added to the LogTable to track this event.
  • The CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE()) function is used to convert the current date and time into a varchar format before inserting it into the LogTable.


Suppose we insert a new record into the Employee table:

INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeName) VALUES ('John Doe');

After this insertion, the trigger will fire and add a new entry into the LogTable with a message like:

'New Employee data inserted on 2023-10-25 14:30:00'

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Explanation and example of a SQL trigger code designed to log information into a separate table after a new employee record is inserted, capturing event details with timestamps.