Languages Advisor | SQL

The SET function in SQL for assigning values to variables

Learn how to use the SET function in SQL to assign values to variables for use within queries or as user-defined variables.

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This Query related with thread "Guidelines for Working with Dynamic SQL Queries"


What does the SET function do. Can you show me more examples


The SET function in SQL is used to assign values to variables. It can be used to assign values to variables within a query or to set the value of a user-defined variable for later use.

Here are a few examples of how the SET function can be used:

  1. Assign a value to a variable within a query:
SET @sales_total = 5000;
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE total > @sales_total;

In this example, the value of the variable @sales_total is set to 5000. This value can then be used in the subsequent SELECT statement to filter the rows based on the condition total > @sales_total.

  1. Set the value of a user-defined variable for later use:
SET @current_date = CURDATE();
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date = @current_date;

In this example, the value of the variable @current_date is set to the current date using the CURDATE() function. The variable can then be used in another query to filter the rows based on the condition order_date = @current_date.

  1. Update a column value based on a variable:
SET @discount = 0.1;
UPDATE products SET price = price * (1 - @discount) WHERE category = 'Electronics';

In this example, the value of the variable @discount is set to 0.1. The UPDATE statement then uses this variable to calculate a discounted price for the products in the 'Electronics' category.

It's important to note that user-defined variables start with an @ symbol and can be used to store values temporarily within a session. These variables can be referenced multiple times within a query or across multiple queries.

The SET function is a powerful tool in SQL that allows you to assign and manipulate values within queries. By using variables, you can make your queries more dynamic and flexible.

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The SET function in SQL is used to assign values to variables. This allows for more dynamic and flexible queries. The SET function can be used to assign values to variables within a query or to set the value of a user-defined variable for later use. User-defined variables start with an @ symbol and can be referenced multiple times within a query or across multiple queries. The SET function is a powerful tool in SQL that enables the assignment and manipulation of values within queries.