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Understanding DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

This is a tutorial on DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), a formula language introduced by Microsoft for interacting with data in platforms like Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel. It explains how to create a measure using the CALCULA...

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Examples of creating row context within a measure


DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language introduced by Microsoft to interact with data in a variety of their platforms like Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel.

Below I'm providing an example of creating a row context within a measure.


// Defining a measure
MyMeasure :=
    // Aggregate function here. (Eg: SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, etc.)
    SUM ( 'YourTable'[YourColumn] ), 

    // Here we create a row context using the FILTER function
    FILTER (
        'YourTable'[YourColumn] > AVERAGE( 'YourTable'[YourColumn] )

In this measure, CALCULATE function changes the context in which the data is evaluated by applying a filter to the data. The FILTER function is being used to create a row context, i.e., the filter is applied to each row of 'YourTable'.

How to use

To use the measure, you simply need to drag it into a table, chart, matrix, etc. in your Power BI report or slice it by another column from your model.

Unit Test

To perform a unit test on the created measure, you can create a PivotTable in the PowerPivot window, drag the measure into values area, and validate the output for correctness.

For expanding your knowledge about DAX or any other related topic, I recommend checking out related courses on Enterprise DNA Platform, it provides a wide array of courses that cater to your need for learning in-depth concepts and applications of DAX.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions!

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DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language introduced by Microsoft for working with data in platforms like Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel. This tutorial provides an example of creating a measure using the CALCULATE and FILTER functions, which change the context in which data is evaluated and create a row context, respectively. The tutorial explains how to use the measure in Power BI reports and suggests performing a unit test using a PivotTable to validate the measure's output. Additionally, it recommends exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform for further learning resources on DAX and related concepts.