Code Extender | JavaScript

Understanding getElementById() Method in JavaScript

This article explains the purpose and usage of the getElementById() method in JavaScript. It covers the main points of the method, provides an example of how it can be used to dynamically update element content, and suggests unit testing with a

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What is the purpose of the `getElementById()` method in the provided code snippet?


The getElementById() method is used to retrieve and manipulate a specific element in an HTML document based on its unique identifier. It allows you to access and modify the properties and content of that element dynamically using JavaScript.

Main Points:

  1. The getElementById() method is a built-in JavaScript method that allows you to select an HTML element by its unique ID attribute.

  2. It takes a single parameter, which is the ID of the element to be selected.

  3. The method returns a reference to the selected element, which can then be used to manipulate its properties, content, or trigger events.

  4. It is commonly used to dynamically update or modify the content of specific elements on a web page based on user interactions or other events.


// HTML:
// <div id="myElement">Hello World</div>

// JavaScript:
var element = document.getElementById("myElement");
element.innerHTML = "New Content";

In the above example, the getElementById() method is used to select an element with the ID "myElement" and assign it to the element variable. The innerHTML property is then used to update the content of the selected element to "New Content".

Using this method, you can easily target and manipulate specific elements within the HTML document, enabling dynamic updating and interaction with the user interface.

Unit Testing:

To ensure the proper functioning of the getElementById() method, you can write unit tests using a JavaScript testing framework such as Jest or Mocha.

Here is an example of a unit test using Jest:

// HTML:
// <div id="myElement">Hello World</div>

// JavaScript:
function updateElementContent() {
  var element = document.getElementById("myElement");
  element.innerHTML = "New Content";

// Unit test using Jest:
test("updateElementContent should change the content of element with id 'myElement'", () => {
  // Set up the initial state
  document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="myElement"></div>';

  // Call the function to be tested

  // Assert the expected changes
  expect(document.getElementById("myElement").innerHTML).toBe("New Content");

This unit test ensures that the updateElementContent() function correctly changes the content of the element with the ID "myElement" to "New Content".

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This article explains the purpose and usage of the getElementById() method in JavaScript. It covers the main points of the method, provides an example of how it can be used to dynamically update element content, and suggests unit testing with a JavaScript testing framework for ensuring its proper functioning.