Code Visualizer | Excel

Code Structure Visualization

Visualize the structure of a code block using the DOT notation

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This Query related with thread "DAX Code for Modifying Sales Table"


Sales Modified = 
                    "Total Sales", [Qty] * [Price],
                    "Discount Sales", [Qty] * [Price] * (1 - [Discount])
                [Total Sales] <> [Discount Sales]
            "Total Regular Sales", SUM([Total Sales]),
            "Total Discounted Sales", SUM([Discount Sales]),
            "Discount Savings", SUM([Total Sales]) - SUM([Discount Sales])


digraph code_relations {
    node [shape=box];
    "Sales Modified" -> "SUMMARIZE";
    "SUMMARIZE" -> "Product";
    "SUMMARIZE" -> "Total Regular Sales";
    "SUMMARIZE" -> "Total Discounted Sales";
    "SUMMARIZE" -> "Discount Savings";
    "FILTER" -> "Total Sales";
    "FILTER" -> "Discount Sales";
    "ADDCOLUMNS" -> "ALL";
    "ADDCOLUMNS" -> "Total Sales";
    "ADDCOLUMNS" -> "Discount Sales";
    "ALL" -> "Sales";

The code structure can be visualized using the DOT notation as follows:

  • The main code block begins with the declaration of "Sales Modified".
  • "Sales Modified" is then used as input for the "SUMMARIZE" function.
  • Within the "SUMMARIZE" function, we have multiple columns and their corresponding calculations.
  • The "FILTER" function is used to filter out rows where "Total Sales" is equal to "Discount Sales".
  • The "FILTER" function uses the "ADDCOLUMNS" function to add two new columns - "Total Sales" and "Discount Sales".
  • The "ADDCOLUMNS" function adds two columns to the existing table - "Sales".
  • The "ALL" function is used to remove any existing filters on the "Sales" table.

Note: This is a simplified visualization and does not capture all the details of the code. It only represents the relations between different parts of the code.

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This input is a code snippet written in the DOT notation. It represents the structure of a code block, specifically a data transformation pipeline. The code block starts with the "Sales Modified" input, which is then processed by various functions such as "SUMMARIZE", "FILTER", and "ADDCOLUMNS". The functions perform calculations and manipulations on the input data to generate the desired output. The visualization helps to understand the flow of data and the relationships between different parts of the code.