Languages Advisor | DAX

Correcting DAX Code to Get Top 5 Products by Total Profit

This explanation provides a correct implementation of DAX code to get a table of sales for the top 5 products based on total profit. It explains why the original code doesn't work and provides the necessary modifications to achieve the desired result...

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    RANKX(ALL(Sales[Product]), [Total Profit], ,Descending) <=5


The DAX code you've provided is attempting to get a table of sales for the top 5 products based on total profit but it will not yield the expected results because RANKX function must be used inside a measure.

RANKX requires a row context to function correctly. However, inside a CALCULATETABLE, there is no inherent row context, thus RANKX will not be able to determine a ranking for each product correctly.

To get your desired result, you need to first create a measure that calculates the total profit.

TotalProfit = SUMX(Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Price] - Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Cost])

Then calculate a ranking measure for your products based on total profit.

ProductRank = RANKX(ALL(Sales[Product]), [TotalProfit], , DESC, Dense)

This measure will correctly assign a rank to each individual product based on the total profit.

Now, you can create a calculated table where you only include the top 5 products. Here's a table expression for this:

Top5Products = 
    [ProductRank] <= 5

Now, this will create a new table with just the top 5 products in it, as per the total profit.

Lastly create a measure which will calculate total sales for these top 5 products:

Top5ProductSales = 
        Sales[Product] IN Top5Products[Product]

Note: the SalesAmount is an assumed column in the sales table that represents the total sales amount. If the naming is different in your data model, please adjust it accordingly.

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This explanation focuses on correcting the given DAX code that attempts to retrieve a table of sales for the top 5 products based on total profit. The issue with the original code is that it uses the RANKX function incorrectly, as it needs to be used inside a measure. Without a row context, RANKX cannot determine the ranking for each product accurately. The corrected approach involves creating a measure to calculate the total profit and then using RANKX to rank the products based on total profit. A calculated table can then be created to include only the top 5 products. Additionally, a measure is provided to calculate the total sales for these top 5 products.