
Calculating New Customers with DAX

This code snippet shows how to calculate the number of new customers within a specified date range using DAX. It uses the EXCEPT, CALCULATETABLE, and FILTER functions to get unique and previous customers and then subtracts them to determine new custo...

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Calculating New Customers with DAX


This code uses DAX to calculate the number of new customers in a given date range. It utilizes functions like EXCEPT, CALCULATETABLE, and FILTER to obtain unique and previous customers and then subtracts them to get the count of new customers. The code ensures readability and avoids syntax errors for better understanding and accuracy. For more in-depth learning about DAX and Power BI, Enterprise DNA offers courses and resources to enhance skills in these areas.

DAX New Customers Calculation

Tool: Syntax Corrector

Created: 12/28/2023


NewCustomers :=
    EXCEPT (
        VALUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ), // Unique Customers in current context
        CALCULATETABLE ( // All previous customers in prior months
            VALUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
            DATESBETWEEN (
                Sales[Date], // Date column
                MIN ( Sales[Date] ), // Start of the period
                MAX ( Sales[Date] ) - 1 // End of the period

The code snippet provided is written in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language, which is used in Power BI and other Microsoft products for data analysis and calculations.

Rephrased code:

NewCustomers :=
    EXCEPT (
        VALUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ), // Get unique customers in the current context
        CALCULATETABLE ( // Get all previous customers in prior months
            VALUES ( Sales[CustomerID] ),
            FILTER (
                Sales[Date] >= MIN ( Sales[Date] ) && Sales[Date] <= MAX ( Sales[Date] ) - 1

Changes made:

  1. Modified the DATESBETWEEN function to use a FILTER function to specify the date range condition in the CALCULATETABLE function. This change improves code readability and avoids syntax errors.
  2. The original code used the DATESBETWEEN function to calculate the date range. However, the DATESBETWEEN function is not supported in DAX. Instead, we can use the FILTER function to achieve the same result.
  3. The logic and behavior of the code remain the same, and the rephrased code will produce the same result as the original code.

Enterprise DNA offers a comprehensive collection of courses and resources on Power BI and DAX programming. These courses can help you enhance your skills and knowledge in data analysis and visualization using Power BI.


Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Can you explain to me how the CALCULATETABLE function works extensively


CALCULATETABLE is a DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) function utilized in Power BI for creating complex data modeling. It modifies the context in which the data is calculated and then generates a table result.


The syntax for CALCULATETABLE function is:

CALCULATETABLE(<table>, <filter1>, <filter2>, ...)
  • <table> is the name of the table whose context will be modified.
  • <filter1>, <filter2>, ... are optional and refer to the expressions that further modify the data context.

Working Mechanism

The CALCULATETABLE function begins first by evaluating the filters to create a new context. Then, it evaluates the table expression within this context. The result is a table that includes rows and columns where the conditions specified in the filters are True.


1. Context Transition: CALCULATETABLE helps to perform a context transition which is a transformation of a row context into an equivalent filter context.

2. Advanced Calculations: It can modify the existing context on which a data is calculated, thereby helping in crafting more advanced business intelligence calculations.


Suppose you have a Sales table with columns: Product, Region, Sales. If you want retrieve rows with Sales greater than 100000 and only for 'Region A', you could use CALCULATETABLE like this:

    Sales[Sales] > 100000,
    Sales[Region] = "Region A"

This will give you a new table with sales only for 'Region A' and where sales are greater than 100000.

Note: CALCULATETABLE is a powerful function but its misuse can contribute to performance issues. Always ensure that you are using it efficiently, congruent with your business requirements.

For a more detailed understanding of CALCULATETABLE and advanced DAX functions, consider the training courses available on Enterprise DNA platform.

Misuse of CALCULATETABLE and Performance Issues

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Can you describe a possible situation where misuse of the CALCULATETABLE function could lead to significant performance issues in Power BI, and how could these be mitigated? Can you also share a code snippet using CALCULATETABLE where it is optimized for performance?

Sure, let's explore this topic.

Misuse of CALCULATETABLE leading to performance issues

One common misuse of the CALCULATETABLE function is when you use it to create a derived or intermediate table in a DAX formula, especially when the derived table is large.

This misuse can lead to performance issues because it can cause storage engine queries (also known as SE queries) to process the large derived table, which could take a significant amount of time. If the derived table has millions of rows, this delay could make the report feel slow or unresponsive.

Mitigating performance issues

To mitigate performance issues, one of the things you can do is reduce the size of the table generated by CALCULATETABLE. You can achieve this by including only necessary columns in the CALCULATETABLE function.

Instead of creating a large derived table with CALCULATETABLE, consider creating a smaller table that includes only the columns that you need to make your calculation. This reduces the amount of data that the SE has to process, improving performance.

Optimized use of CALCULATETABLE

Here's an example of how you can use CALCULATETABLE in a more optimized way.

Suppose you have a large sales table (Sales) and you want to calculate total sales for a certain region (say, "West") during a specific timeframe.

Instead of using CALCULATETABLE to create a derived table that includes all columns from the sales table, you can include only the columns that you need.

        SUMMARIZE ( Sales, Sales[Region], Sales[Date], "Total Sales", SUM ( Sales[Amount] ) ),
        Sales[Region] = "West",
        Sales[Date] >= DATE ( 2020, 1, 1 ),
        Sales[Date] <= DATE ( 2020, 12, 31 )

In this case, the CALCULATETABLE function creates a derived table that includes only three columns: Region, Date, and Total Sales. The SUMMARIZE function is used to create this smaller table.

Remember, performance optimisation in Power BI often requires a balance among various factors such as data model design, DAX formula optimization, and efficient use of Power BI features. If performance continues to be an issue, consider availing of the Enterprise DNA's courses on performance optimization for more detailed and comprehensive approaches.

Understanding the CALCULATETABLE Function in DAX

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Show me many examples using CACULATETABLE

In Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), CALCULATETABLE is a powerful function that modifies the context in which the data is loaded and evaluates the expression to produce a table.

Here are some examples of the CALCULATETABLE function in action:

Example 1: Standard usage of CALCULATETABLE function

    'Product'[Color] = "Red",
    'Product'[Price] > 10

In this example, the CALCULATETABLE function is used to filter out products with color "Red" and price greater than 10.


    SUMMARIZE('Sales', 'Date'[Year]),
    'Sales'[Sales Amount] > 1000000

Here, CALCULATETABLE is used with SUMMARIZE, it returns years, where the total sales amount was greater than 1,000,000.


    RANKX(ALL(Sales[Product]), [Total Profit], ,Descending) <=5

The third example demonstrates how to use CALCULATETABLE to filter the top 5 products based on total profit.

Example 4: CALCULATETABLE with Dates between two values

  'Sales'[Order Date] >= DATE(2021,1,1),
  'Sales'[Order Date] <= DATE(2021,12,31)

The above DAX function will return sales for the year 2021 only.

These examples illustrate the versatility of the CALCULATETABLE function in DAX. By modifying the context in which the data is evaluated, CALCULATETABLE allows for dynamic table expressions based on sophisticated criteria. Always keep in mind that CALCULATETABLE evaluates the filters or conditions first before the given expression, thereby reducing the rows that are loaded in memory for the evaluation of the expression.

Please, explore these examples and experiment with your own data. If you need additional assistance or training material related to DAX properties, functions and their usage, consider exploring related courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

Correcting DAX Code to Get Top 5 Products by Total Profit

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


    RANKX(ALL(Sales[Product]), [Total Profit], ,Descending) <=5

The DAX code you've provided is attempting to get a table of sales for the top 5 products based on total profit but it will not yield the expected results because RANKX function must be used inside a measure.

RANKX requires a row context to function correctly. However, inside a CALCULATETABLE, there is no inherent row context, thus RANKX will not be able to determine a ranking for each product correctly.

To get your desired result, you need to first create a measure that calculates the total profit.

TotalProfit = SUMX(Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Price] - Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Unit Cost])

Then calculate a ranking measure for your products based on total profit.

ProductRank = RANKX(ALL(Sales[Product]), [TotalProfit], , DESC, Dense)

This measure will correctly assign a rank to each individual product based on the total profit.

Now, you can create a calculated table where you only include the top 5 products. Here's a table expression for this:

Top5Products = 
    [ProductRank] <= 5

Now, this will create a new table with just the top 5 products in it, as per the total profit.

Lastly create a measure which will calculate total sales for these top 5 products:

Top5ProductSales = 
        Sales[Product] IN Top5Products[Product]

Note: the SalesAmount is an assumed column in the sales table that represents the total sales amount. If the naming is different in your data model, please adjust it accordingly.

Dynamic Top N Product Sales Analysis

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Given the measures and table you created, I am curious how you can further leverage these to analyze the data beyond the top 5 products. Can you implement a dynamic approach where you can easily adjust to top N products, so that you are flexible in analyzing the top-performing products not only limited to the top 5? You can do this by creating an additional Measure using the SWITCH and TRUE DAX functions, which will allow for dynamic input.

DynamicTopProductSales = 
    [ProductRank] <= 5, [Top5ProductSales],
    "Please enter a valid number between 1 and 5"

This new measure will return the total sales for the top N products you are interested in. Note that the ProductRank variable should be modified accordingly to the number of top products you want in the analysis.

You can indeed create a measure to analyze your data based on the top N products. However, the SWITCH function is generally used for situation where you need to evaluate an expression against a list of values. For this scenario, simple modifications to your previous DAX measures would suffice.

To have a TopN dynamic ranking, you'd need to create a slicer where you can select the number N for your 'Top N Products'. Create a table in Power BI:

TopNTable = 
DATATABLE("TopN",Integer, {{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10}})

Now, you can create a slicer from this table and always select a single value.

To implement this in your DAX code, you will need to create a measure that combine RANKX function which enables you to rank the total sales of each product and ALL function to remove any filters on the Products table. Then, filter this rank according to the selected value in the slicer.

DynamicTopNProductSales = 
Summarize(Products, 'Product'[Product Name], "Sales", 
"Rank", RANKX(ALL('Product'[Product Name]), [Sales],,DESC,Dense)

This will create a new table, sorting products by sales in descending order and providing a rank for each product.

TopNProductSales =
FILTER('Product', [DynamicTopNProductSales] <= SELECTEDVALUE('TopNTable'[TopN])))

This will give you the total sales for the 'Top N' products you selected in your slicer with N ranging from 1 to 10. Adjust the range in the 'TopNTable' as you see fit. If no value is selected in the slicer, it will show the total sales for all products.

This setup provides the advantage of real-time filtering of top N product sales. It is completely dynamic and interactive enabling in-depth data analysis. You can easily change the number of Top N products you want to display by simply selecting different values from the slicer.

Dynamic Top N Product Sales

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


DynamicTopNProductSales = 
Summarize(Products, 'Product'[Product Name], "Sales", 
"Rank", RANKX(ALL('Product'[Product Name]), [Sales],,DESC,Dense)

The DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) expression you have provided is used to create a summary table based on the product names and sales in your dataset.

Here, I'll break down the components of your formula:

  1. SUMMARIZE function: This function returns a summary table for specified columns (in this case 'Product'[Product Name] and Sales) of a table (Products).

  2. 'Product'[Product Name]: This is a column that you want to group by in the summary table.

  3. CALCULATE and SUM functions: The CALCULATE function evaluates an expression in a context that is modified by the specified filters. Here it is calculating the sum of the Sales column in 'Sales' table.

  4. RANKX function: This function returns the ranking of a number in a list of numbers for each row in the table. Here it is calculating the rank of each product based on the Sales in descending order. If there are two or more products with identical values of Sales, they are assigned the same rank (that's the 'Dense' option in the function).

Now, if you want to provide a dynamic top N product sales, you need to combine the formula with the TOPN function. This function returns the top 'N' rows of a table according to a specific measure.

Here's an example:

DynamicTopNProductSales = 
VAR NumberOfProducts = NUMBERVALUE ( SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Top N Products'[Top N Product], 5 ) )
    SUMMARIZE(Products, 'Product'[Product Name], "Sales", 
    "Rank", RANKX(ALL('Product'[Product Name]), [Sales],,DESC,Dense)

In this code block, 'Top N Products'[Top N Product] is a slicer or input value where you can input the number of top products you want to see. By default, it is set to 5. This variable is then used in the TOPN function to return the top N products based on the sales.


Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


What is the numbervalue function? Is this a new function?


The NUMBERVALUE function is used in Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) to convert text representation of numbers into a numeric data type. If the text does not represent a valid number, the function returns an error.

Here is the syntax for using NUMBERVALUE:

NUMBERVALUE(<text>[, <decimal_separator>[, <group_separator>]])
  • <text>: The text you want to convert to a number.
  • <decimal_separator>: The character used as a decimal separator.
  • <group_separator>: The character used as a group separator.


Assume you have a column, Cost, with the following string values: "1,234.56", "$1234.56", and "£1.234,56". You can convert these text values into numbers using the NUMBERVALUE function as shown below:

Column = 
NUMBERVALUE([Cost], ".", ",")

Column = 
NUMBERVALUE(REPLACE([Cost],1,1,""), ".", ",")

Column = 
NUMBERVALUE(REPLACE([Cost],1,1,""), ",", ".")

These expressions convert the Cost values into 1234.56, regardless of the original text format.

The NUMBERVALUE function is not a new function in DAX. It has been part of DAX from the beginning, making the process of converting textual data into numeric data types more streamlined, providing better flexibility and making the creation of more sophisticated calculations possible.

TOPN and RANKX Functions

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


What’s the difference between TOPN and rankX and dax

TOPN Function

The TOPN function in DAX is used to return a specified number of 'top' rows based on a defined expression. It will return a table that contains top N rows, where N, a numeric expression, defines the number of top rows to return.

Here is the general syntax for TOPN:

TOPN(<N_Value>, <Table_Name>, <Expression>, [<Order_By_Expression> [ASC|DESC]], …)

For example, to get top 5 Products by Sales:

Top5 = 

In this example, the TOPN function returns the top 5 products based on the total of sales.

RANKX Function

On the other hand, the RANKX function in DAX is used to assign a ranking to each row in a table based on a given expression. The ranking is performed within the context of the current filters applied to the data.

Here is the general syntax for RANKX:

RANKX( <Table_Name>,<Expression>[,<Value>[,<Order>[,<Ties>]]])

For example, to rank the products by Sales:

ProductRank = 

In this example, the RANKX function returns a ranking for each of the products based on the total of sales.


  1. TOPN returns a table with the top N rows based on an expression.
  2. RANKX assigns a ranking/order number to each row in a table based on an expression.

The major difference between these two DAX functions is, while TOPN returns a subset of data that fits the "top N" criteria, RANKX assigns a rank to each row of data. RANKX function is thus useful to understand the position of a specific row across the entire data, whereas TOPN function is useful when you want to simply filter out the top performing data points.

Creating a Summary Table with Ranking in DAX

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Given that you have a good understanding of how TOPN and RANKX functions work in DAX, let's see how you can apply them in a real-world scenario. Imagine you are analyzing sales data for a large international company with multiple product categories. Could you write a DAX query that uses both the TOPN and RANKX functions to return a table with the top 5 product categories in each region, ranked by the total sales? Here's a hint: You may need to use nested TOPN and RANKX functions within CALCULATETABLE or SUMMARIZE functions.

To achieve the requested result, we would need nested DAX functions. Here is a breakdown of the logic:

  1. SUMMARIZE FUNCTION: This will be used to create a summary table, where each row consists of a unique combination of region and product category, along with the total sales for each combination.

  2. RANKX FUNCTION: It should be used to rank the total sales for each product category within each region.

  3. TOPN FUNCTION: It will retrieve the top 5 product categories (based on the RANKX rankings) for each region.

Here's how you might put it together in a DAX query:

        "TotalSales", SUM ( 'Sales'[SalesAmount] )
    RANKX (
        ALL ( 'Sales'[ProductCategory] ), 

This code creates a summarized table including each unique combination of Region and ProductCategory, with the total sales for each. The RANKX function is then used to rank these total sales amounts within each region, and finally the TOPN function selects the top 5 product categories for each region based on these rankings.

It is also possible to define measures for TotalSales and Rank, and then use these measures in a visual in Power BI. This can make the code cleaner and more reusable.

Please note that RANKX function evaluates an expression for each row of table, and returns the rank of each value in a column, therefore we are ranking total sales within each ProductCategory.

Also, one things to be mindful of is the DAX context transition which is occuring in our RANKX function. 'ALL (Sales[ProductCategory])' creates a row context and since we are using [TotalSales] measure inside RANKX it forces the context transition from row to filter. The 'ALL' function in the example above is used to remove any active filters on the ProductCategory field. This is necessary so that the RANKX function properly ranks all product categories within each region, not just those that are filtered.

Remember, the way DAX functions work can often depend on the existing filters and row context. It's always important to carefully consider the current context when writing and debugging DAX.

If you want to deep dive in to DAX formulas and expressions, consider exploring courses at Enterprise DNA Platform which cover these topics extensively.

Calculating Top 5 Product Categories by Total Sales in Each Region

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Given that you have a good understanding of how TOPN and RANKX functions work in DAX, let's see how you can apply them in a real-world scenario. Imagine you are analyzing sales data for a large international company with multiple product categories. Could you write a DAX query that uses both the TOPN and RANKX functions to return a table with the top 5 product categories in each region, ranked by the total sales? Here's a hint: You may need to use nested TOPN and RANKX functions within CALCULATETABLE or SUMMARIZE functions.

To solve this, you can first use the SUMMARIZE function to group by region and product categories, then use the RANKX function to rank each product category by total sales within each region, and finally, use the TOPN function to limit the result to only the top 5 product categories in each region.

Here is a step-by-step approach:

  1. Create a base table using SUMMARIZE

Firstly, use the SUMMARIZE function to group your data by region and product categories while summing up the total sales for each product category within each region.

BaseTable = 
    SalesTable[Product Category], 
    "Total Sales", SUM(SalesTable[Sales])

This will result in a table grouped by 'Region' and 'Product Category' with a corresponding 'Total Sales' for each grouping.

  1. Rank the Product Categories within each Region using RANKX

Next, add a new ranking column to your base table, ranking your product categories by 'Total Sales' within each region.

BaseTableWithRank = 
    "Rank", RANKX(ALLSELECTED(BaseTable[Product Category]), [Total Sales], , DESC)

The RANKX function will rank your product categories from the highest 'Total Sales' (rank 1) to the lowest within each region.

  1. Select the Top 5 Product Categories in each Region using TOPN

Finally, filter your ranked base table to only show the top 5 product categories for each region.

FinalTable = 
    TOPN(5, BaseTableWithRank, [Rank])

The above TOPN function will sort 'BaseTableWithRank' by 'Rank' and return the top 5 rows from that table for each region.

The CALCULATETABLE function is then used to apply the filter context from TOPN to 'BaseTableWithRank'.

So, your final result will be a table showing the top 5 product categories in each region, ranked by total sales.

Creating a Report for Top 5 Product Categories by Total Sales within E...

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 12/28/2023


Given that you have a good understanding of how TOPN and RANKX functions work in DAX, let's see how you can apply them in a real-world scenario. Imagine you are analyzing sales data for a large international company with multiple product categories. Could you write a DAX query that uses both the TOPN and RANKX functions to return a table with the top 5 product categories in each region, ranked by the total sales? Here's a hint: You may need to use nested TOPN and RANKX functions within CALCULATETABLE or SUMMARIZE functions.

Sure, I can provide guidance on how to solve this problem using DAX. The aim is to create a report that shows the top 5 product categories by total sales within each region. We would use the DAX functions like TOPN, RANKX, CALCULATETABLE, and SUMMARIZE to achieve this.

Firstly, let's explain the functions involved:

  • TOPN: This function returns the top N rows of the specified table or expression.

  • RANKX: This function returns the ranking of a number in a list of numbers for each row in the table argument.

  • CALCULATETABLE: This function evaluates a table expression in a context modified by filters.

  • SUMMARIZE: This function creates a summary of the input table grouped by the specified columns.

Here's a step by step walk-through using these functions:

Step 1: First, Calculate Total Sales

For this, we may use SUM or SUMX function, but to keep it generalized, suppose we've already calculated the Total Sales measure. Let's say you've calculated Total Sales like so:

Total Sales = SUM('Sales'[SalesAmount])

Step 2: Apply RANKX and TOPN Function Using SUMMARIZE

We use the RANKX function within a TOPN function so that it evaluates the RANKX results only for the top 5 sales. This will be within a CALCULATETABLE function to ensure the entire DAX expresssion is calculated correctly.

Here is how the final DAX measure would look like:

Top5ProductsbyRegion = 
            'Sales'[Product Category]
        "Sales Rank", RANKX(
            ALL('Sales'[Product Category]),
            [Total Sales],
        VALUES('Sales'[Product Category]),
        [Total Sales],

In this expression, CALCULATETABLE is used to modify the context in which the DAX expression is evaluated. Within CALCULATETABLE, SUMMARIZE creates a summary table grouped by Region and Product category, then the newly created column "Sales Rank" stores the ranking of Total Sales for each region and product category. The result will then be restricted to the TOPN 5 product categories by Total Sales for each region.

For further learning, I recommend checking out the courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform. They cover these types of advanced DAX topics.