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TOPN and RANKX Functions

The TOPN and RANKX functions are used in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to analyze and manipulate data in Power BI and other Microsoft tools. TOPN returns a subset of data based on a specified expression, while RANKX assigns a ranking to each row in...

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What’s the difference between TOPN and rankX and dax


TOPN Function

The TOPN function in DAX is used to return a specified number of 'top' rows based on a defined expression. It will return a table that contains top N rows, where N, a numeric expression, defines the number of top rows to return.

Here is the general syntax for TOPN:

TOPN(<N_Value>, <Table_Name>, <Expression>, [<Order_By_Expression> [ASC|DESC]], …)

For example, to get top 5 Products by Sales:

Top5 = 

In this example, the TOPN function returns the top 5 products based on the total of sales.

RANKX Function

On the other hand, the RANKX function in DAX is used to assign a ranking to each row in a table based on a given expression. The ranking is performed within the context of the current filters applied to the data.

Here is the general syntax for RANKX:

RANKX( <Table_Name>,<Expression>[,<Value>[,<Order>[,<Ties>]]])

For example, to rank the products by Sales:

ProductRank = 

In this example, the RANKX function returns a ranking for each of the products based on the total of sales.


  1. TOPN returns a table with the top N rows based on an expression.
  2. RANKX assigns a ranking/order number to each row in a table based on an expression.

The major difference between these two DAX functions is, while TOPN returns a subset of data that fits the "top N" criteria, RANKX assigns a rank to each row of data. RANKX function is thus useful to understand the position of a specific row across the entire data, whereas TOPN function is useful when you want to simply filter out the top performing data points.

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The TOPN function in DAX is used to filter and retrieve a specified number of 'top' rows based on a defined expression. It returns a table with the top N rows that meet the criteria. On the other hand, the RANKX function assigns a unique ranking or order number to each row in a table based on a given expression. This function is useful to understand the position of a specific row across the entire dataset. The major difference between the two functions is that TOPN focuses on filtering and retrieving a subset of data, while RANKX provides ranking information for each row. Both functions are valuable tools for data analysis and decision-making in Power BI and other Microsoft tools.