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Creating a Summary Table with Ranking in DAX

This DAX query demonstrates how to create a summary table with unique combinations of region and product category, along with the total sales for each combination. The table is then ranked based on the total sales, with the top 5 product categories s...

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Given that you have a good understanding of how TOPN and RANKX functions work in DAX, let's see how you can apply them in a real-world scenario. Imagine you are analyzing sales data for a large international company with multiple product categories. Could you write a DAX query that uses both the TOPN and RANKX functions to return a table with the top 5 product categories in each region, ranked by the total sales? Here's a hint: You may need to use nested TOPN and RANKX functions within CALCULATETABLE or SUMMARIZE functions.


To achieve the requested result, we would need nested DAX functions. Here is a breakdown of the logic:

  1. SUMMARIZE FUNCTION: This will be used to create a summary table, where each row consists of a unique combination of region and product category, along with the total sales for each combination.

  2. RANKX FUNCTION: It should be used to rank the total sales for each product category within each region.

  3. TOPN FUNCTION: It will retrieve the top 5 product categories (based on the RANKX rankings) for each region.

Here's how you might put it together in a DAX query:

        "TotalSales", SUM ( 'Sales'[SalesAmount] )
    RANKX (
        ALL ( 'Sales'[ProductCategory] ), 

This code creates a summarized table including each unique combination of Region and ProductCategory, with the total sales for each. The RANKX function is then used to rank these total sales amounts within each region, and finally the TOPN function selects the top 5 product categories for each region based on these rankings.

It is also possible to define measures for TotalSales and Rank, and then use these measures in a visual in Power BI. This can make the code cleaner and more reusable.

Please note that RANKX function evaluates an expression for each row of table, and returns the rank of each value in a column, therefore we are ranking total sales within each ProductCategory.

Also, one things to be mindful of is the DAX context transition which is occuring in our RANKX function. 'ALL (Sales[ProductCategory])' creates a row context and since we are using [TotalSales] measure inside RANKX it forces the context transition from row to filter. The 'ALL' function in the example above is used to remove any active filters on the ProductCategory field. This is necessary so that the RANKX function properly ranks all product categories within each region, not just those that are filtered.

Remember, the way DAX functions work can often depend on the existing filters and row context. It's always important to carefully consider the current context when writing and debugging DAX.

If you want to deep dive in to DAX formulas and expressions, consider exploring courses at Enterprise DNA Platform which cover these topics extensively.

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The provided DAX code showcases the use of nested functions in creating a summary table with unique combinations of region and product category, along with their total sales. The RANKX function is used to rank the total sales within each region, and the TOPN function selects the top 5 product categories based on these rankings. The code also explains the importance of DAX context and how to handle it when using functions like RANKX. This query can be utilized in Power BI to visualize the top product categories by region.