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The AVERAGEX function in Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is used to calculate the average of a specific expression evaluated for each row in a table.

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In the given SUMX example, a weighted average price was calculated. Now, continue the exploration by writing a DAX expression using the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profits for each product sold. Assume your table ('Sales Table') has additional column 'Profit'.


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Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a collection of functions, operators, and constants to be used in a formula. The AVERAGEX function is a DAX function that returns the average of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.

Here's an example of how you can use the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profits for each product sold in 'Sales Table'.

AverageProfit = AVERAGEX('Sales Table', 'Sales Table'[Profit])

In this DAX expression, 'Sales Table' is the name of your table and 'Profit' is the column that contains the profits for each product sold. The AVERAGEX function will iterate over each row in the 'Sales Table' table and evaluate the expression 'Sales Table'[Profit], and then return the average of these values.

Please ensure that your 'Profit' column contains numerical values, as the AVERAGEX function will not work with non-numerical values.

Keep in mind that this will return the average profit across the entire 'Sales Table'. If you'd like to calculate the average profit for each product sold separately, you'll need to use a combination of the CALCULATE and AVERAGEX function. For that, you'd need a 'Product' column in your 'Sales Table'. Then you would group profits by products and calculate average for each group.

Always remember to organise and clean your data before performing calculations to ensure accurate results.

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The AVERAGEX function in DAX allows you to calculate the average of an expression for each row in a table. This can be useful for finding the average value of a specific column, such as calculating the average profit for each product sold in a sales table. To use the AVERAGEX function, you need to specify the table name and the column containing the values to be averaged. It is important to provide the function with numerical values, as non-numerical values will not work. If you want to calculate the average profit for each product separately, you can use a combination of the CALCULATE and AVERAGEX functions. It is also important to clean and organize your data before performing calculations to ensure accurate results.