
Understanding DAX Contexts and Functions in Power BI

This topic explores the concept of multiple contexts in DAX, where row context and filter context can be used in combination to achieve detailed calculations. It provides examples of DAX functions and explains the role of CALCULATE, FILTER, ALL, AVER...

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Understanding DAX Contexts and Functions in Power BI


This input provides a comprehensive overview of DAX contexts and functions in Power BI. It explains the importance of understanding row context and filter context in DAX formulas and demonstrates how to use CALCULATE, FILTER, ALL, AVERAGEX, SUMX, TOPN, VALUES, and DIVIDE functions to manipulate the context and perform complex calculations. The input also recommends the Enterprise DNA platform as a valuable resource for further learning on DAX and contexts. It includes code snippets with step-by-step instructions and highlights the need for manual verification during unit testing. Ultimately, this input serves as a guide for users to enhance their understanding of DAX contexts and functions and apply them effectively in Power BI.

Multiple Contexts in DAX

Tool: Code Generator

Created: 01/02/2024


Can you have multiple contexts within the same measure?

Define Multiple Contexts within Same Measure in DAX

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) allows for multiple contexts within the same measure. The context in DAX combines two states: Row context and Filter context. It's perfectly permissible to use multiple contexts within the same DAX measure. The usage and combination of these contexts is what allows for detailed and dynamic calculations in Power BI.

Below is an example of a DAX function with multiple contexts:

MeasureName := 
    FILTER (
        'Table'[Column1] = "Value1"
            && 'Table'[Column2] > 5000
    ALL ('Table'[Column3])

In the above DAX expression:

  • CALCULATE is used to modify the filter context of the calculation.

  • FILTER is creating a new row context to iterate over the 'Table', and apply filters on 'Column1' and 'Column2'.

  • ALL is clearing the filter context from 'Column3' (which can be thought of as another context since it impacts the calculation result).

So, this single measure is combining these multiple contexts to achieve the desired result.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is not direct and straightforward for DAX as compared to other programming languages. It requires building test environment in Power BI or Excel and then manually checking the results. It would involve creating a set of inputs and expected outputs, then manually checking if the measure returns the correct result.

Learning Resources

To learn more about contexts in DAX, you can check out the courses on Enterprise DNA platform. This platform includes comprehensive insight into filter context and row context, and how to use them effectively within DAX measures in Power BI.

DAX Context and Row Alteration

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


Can you change a row context within a measure

Yes, you can alter the row context within a measure using DAX functions. DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language that allows you to perform custom calculations on data in Microsoft Power Pivot, Analysis Services, and Power BI.

DAX Row and Filter Context

In DAX, an important concept to understand is the row context. Row context refers to the context in which DAX formulas are evaluated - for a particular row or for the entire table.

However, it's also important to understand filter context, which filters your results based on certain criteria from your data model or visuals.

Changing the Row Context within a Measure

To change or propagate row context within a measure, you can use certain iterative DAX functions like SUMX, AVERAGEX, MAXX, etc. These functions can modify the row context because they iterate over rows in a table (or related tables).

Here is an example using SUMX which sums the result of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.

Total Sales = SUMX(
    'Sales'[Quantity]*'Sales'[Unit Price]

In the above SUMX example, for each row in the 'Sales' table, the measure multiplies the 'Quantity' by 'Unit Price', and then adds up those results to give the total sales.

Please note, if your purpose is to filter the row context, consider using conditional functions such as CALCULATE and FILTER, as they modify the filter context, not a row context.

However, redefining or removing the row context entirely requires advanced methods and is beyond the scope of DAX basics.

Learning More

To mastery in DAX especially about contexts, I would recommend you go through the relevant courses available on the Enterprise DNA platform. The tutorials are comprehensive, well-structured, and suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Use Case for SUMX in DAX

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


Can you explain to me an advanced example of DAX using the SUMX function

Sure, let me provide an example of a use case for SUMX which is one of the most versatile functions in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) used for Microsoft Power BI, Analysis Services, and other software that uses Tabular data modeling.

Use SUMX function to calculate a weighted average.

Let's assume, we have a sales table listed by product and we want to calculate a weighted average price, where the weights are the quantity of each product sold.

The formula would look something like this:

Weighted Average := 
    SUMX('Sales Table', 'Sales Table'[Quantity]*'Sales Table'[Price]),
    SUM('Sales Table'[Quantity])

Here's how SUMX works:

  • The first argument 'Sales Table' is the name of the table where the SUMX function iterates each row.

  • The second argument 'Sales Table'[Quantity]*'Sales Table'[Price] is the expression that SUMX calculates for each row in the Sales Table. It calculates the total sales for each product.

  • The DIVIDE function is used to avoid possible division by zero errors.

  • The SUM('Sales Table'[Quantity]) portion of this formula calculates the total of all quantities, which will be used as the denominator for the weighted average calculation.

Remember that SUMX is a powerful function, but it can affect performance if used on large data models. The function "forces" a row-by-row operation, so it may slow down your calculations significantly if you're working with millions of rows.

Keep refining your DAX skills using resources from Enterprise DNA Platform. There are specific courses and workshops dealing with DAX which can immensely help your learning process.

AVERAGEX Function in DAX

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


In the given SUMX example, a weighted average price was calculated. Now, continue the exploration by writing a DAX expression using the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profits for each product sold. Assume your table ('Sales Table') has additional column 'Profit'.

In DAX, the AVERAGEX function is used to compute the average of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. In your case, we can use the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profit for each product sold. The syntax would be as follows:

AverageProfit = AVERAGEX('Sales Table', 'Sales Table'[Profit])

In this DAX expression, 'Sales Table' is the name of the table where the average calculation is performed, and 'Sales Table'[Profit] is the expression for which to compute the average.

This code will yield the average profit of the sales by taking the profit for each row in the 'Sales Table' and then computing the average.

To calculate average profit per product, you can use a similar formula, but you first need to iterate over a distinct list of products rather than the whole 'Sales Table'. That way, the averaged will be done per product instead:

AverageProfitPerProduct = AVERAGEX(
  VALUES('Sales Table'[Product]), 
  CALCULATE(SUM('Sales Table'[Profit]))

Here we are using a combination of the AVERAGEX, VALUES, and SUM functions.

  • We obtain a distinct list of products with VALUES('Sales Table'[Product]).
  • Then for each product, we are using CALCULATE(SUM('Sales Table'[Profit])) to summarize the profit.
  • Finally, we average these totals.

Remember that in DAX, the iteration functions like AVERAGEX process each row context in isolation, and you often need to use CALCULATE to modify the filter context. If you want to learn more about these concepts and functions, consider exploring courses offered on the Enterprise DNA platform.

Calculating Average Profits for Each Product Sold

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


In the given SUMX example, a weighted average price was calculated. Now, continue the exploration by writing a DAX expression using the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profits for each product sold. Assume your table ('Sales Table') has additional column 'Profit'.

To calculate the average profits for each product sold, you can make use of the AVERAGEX function. The AVERAGEX function in DAX allows you to evaluate and average an expression for each row in a given table.

Step 1: Firstly, identify the base table that you'll use for iterating over. In this case, it is 'Sales Table'.

Step 2: Next, define the expression you want to average. Since you're looking to calculate average profits, the expression will simply be the 'Profit' column.

Here is the DAX expression that follows these steps:

AverageProfit = AVERAGEX('Sales Table', 'Sales Table'[Profit])

This DAX formula will iterate over each row in the 'Sales Table', evaluate the 'Profit' value for that row, sum up all these values, and divide by the number of rows to calculate the average profit.

But if you want to calculate the average profit per product, you should iterate over a product table (let's call it 'Product Table') which provides a unique list of products, then use RELATED function to get the 'Profit' from the 'Sales Table'. Here is the amended expression:

AverageProfitPerProduct = AVERAGEX('Product Table', CALCULATE(SUM('Sales Table'[Profit])))

Make sure that 'Product Table' and 'Sales Table' have proper relationships set in the data model.

This formula iterates over 'Product Table'. For each product, it computes the total profit associated with that product using the CALCULATE and SUM functions, then AVERAGEX function averages these total profits.

It's important to note that the AVERAGEX function makes a row context over the specified table. You can use any other DAX expression as its second argument, as long as it returns a single scalar value.


Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


In the given SUMX example, a weighted average price was calculated. Now, continue the exploration by writing a DAX expression using the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profits for each product sold. Assume your table ('Sales Table') has additional column 'Profit'.

Sure, I'd be glad to help.


Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a collection of functions, operators, and constants to be used in a formula. The AVERAGEX function is a DAX function that returns the average of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.

Here's an example of how you can use the AVERAGEX function to calculate the average profits for each product sold in 'Sales Table'.

AverageProfit = AVERAGEX('Sales Table', 'Sales Table'[Profit])

In this DAX expression, 'Sales Table' is the name of your table and 'Profit' is the column that contains the profits for each product sold. The AVERAGEX function will iterate over each row in the 'Sales Table' table and evaluate the expression 'Sales Table'[Profit], and then return the average of these values.

Please ensure that your 'Profit' column contains numerical values, as the AVERAGEX function will not work with non-numerical values.

Keep in mind that this will return the average profit across the entire 'Sales Table'. If you'd like to calculate the average profit for each product sold separately, you'll need to use a combination of the CALCULATE and AVERAGEX function. For that, you'd need a 'Product' column in your 'Sales Table'. Then you would group profits by products and calculate average for each group.

Always remember to organise and clean your data before performing calculations to ensure accurate results.

Creating Top 5 Customers by Average Order Value in Power BI using DAX

Tool: Code Generator

Created: 01/04/2024


How would I show in a table the top 5 customers by average order value

You can achieve this task using a combination of DAX functions in PowerBI. Here is a step-by-step explanation.

Code Snippet

The Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) language is used in Power BI for data modeling and reporting.

// First, we calculate the average order value for each customer
AverageOrderValue = AVERAGEX(
    Sales, Sales[OrderValue]

// Then, get top 5 customers by average order value
Top5Customers = 


This DAX code snippet adds two new measures to your data model:

  • AverageOrderValue which calculates the average order value for each customer.

  • Top5Customers which displays the top 5 customers by average order value.

These measures can be used to generate tables or visuals in Power BI. For example, to create a table with these measures, go to the "Fields" pane, drag and drop the CustomerName and AverageOrderValue fields to the "Values" area of a new table visual. Then, use the Top5Customers measure as a visual-level filter to only include the top 5 customers by average order value.

Unit Testing

To test this function, you would want to manually check the outputs of each 'AverageOrderValue' and 'Top5Customers' with a corresponding SQL or Excel calculation. Testing DAX can be tricky because there isn't a built-in testing framework, but using an alternative calculation to cross-check your results is a good practice.

Further Learning

To learn more about DAX and Power BI, I would recommend exploring the comprehensive courses on the Enterprise DNA platform. This platform offers various courses for different levels of experience, from beginner to expert, on Power BI and DAX.

Refactored Measure for Top 5 Customers by Average Order Value in DAX

Tool: Code Best Practices Checker

Created: 01/04/2024


// First, we calculate the average order value for each customer
AverageOrderValue = AVERAGEX(
    Sales, Sales[OrderValue]

// Then, get top 5 customers by average order value
Top5Customers = 

How would I get this into one formula?

The provided code snippet is in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), which is a library of functions and operators used within Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel.

Currently, functionality has been split into two measures. However, it can be refactored into a single formula by combining the AVERAGEX function used to calculate the average order value and the TOPN function which retrieves the top 5 customers by average order value.

Here is the refactored measure:

Top5Customers =
    CALCULATE(AVERAGEX(Sales, Sales[OrderValue])),

In this refactored measure, AVERAGEX is now nested inside the TOPN function. By doing this, we are effectively bypassing the need for the separate AverageOrderValue measure, thus consolidating the two separate pieces of code into one formula.

It's critically important, when creating DAX formulas, to keep in mind best practices pertaining to performance and maintainability. This means minimizing unnecessary calculations and keeping your formulas as concise as possible. The consolidated measure adheres better to these principles. For in-depth learning of DAX and other Power BI techniques, consider the course offerings from Enterprise DNA Platform.

DAX Top 5 Customers by Average Order Value

Tool: Code Explainer

Created: 01/04/2024


Top5Customers =
    CALCULATE(AVERAGEX(Sales, Sales[OrderValue])),

Why do I need the CALCULATE within this formula?

This code snippet is written in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), which is a formula language used commonly in Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel.

Code Breakdown:

  • TOPN: This is a DAX function that returns the top 'N' rows of a table or column. In this case, it's set to return the top '5'.
  • VALUES(Sales[CustomerName]): VALUES function returns a one-column table that contains the distinct values from the specified column, in this case 'CustomerName'.
  • CALCULATE(AVERAGEX(Sales, Sales[OrderValue])): Here, the CALCULATE function changes the context in which the data is analyzed, and the AVERAGEX function averages the 'OrderValue' for each 'CustomerName'.

The final DESC keyword sorts the results in descending order of the calculated average Order Value, hence giving you the top 5 customers with the highest average order value.

Use of CALCULATE function

The CALCULATE function is one of the most crucial and powerful functions in DAX. It allows you to modify the context under which an expression is evaluated. It means it can change the Filter Context or the set of values considered while performing calculations.

In this context, we're using CALCULATE to evaluate the average Order Value within the set of unique customers. So for each unique customer (established by VALUES function), CALCULATE helps to change the context and calculate the average order value.

For instance, suppose, without CALCULATE, the AVERAGEX function would consider all the 'OrderValues' in 'Sales' to calculate the average disregarding the unique 'CustomerName'. CALCULATE forces it to evaluate AVERAGEX within the context of each unique 'CustomerName'.

For an in-depth understanding of these DAX functions, Enterprise DNA platform provides a detailed course on DAX formulas which is recommended.

Top5Customers = 
    VALUES ( Sales[CustomerName] ), 
    CALCULATE ( AVERAGEX ( Sales, Sales[OrderValue] ) ),
CALCULATE Function and Iterating Functions in DAX

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


Can you extensively explain how the CALCULATE function works when using with iterating functions

Certainly, let's explore the CALCULATE function in DAX, especially when used in conjunction with iterating functions.


In DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), the CALCULATE function is one of the most frequently used and powerful functions. This function modifies the context in which the data is evaluated, usually by applying one or more filters onto an expression or a database.

CALCULATE(<expression>, <filter1>, <filter2>, ...)

Iterating Functions

Iterating functions are those that work on a row-by-row fashion against a table, performing calculations against each row in that table. Examples include SUMX, AVERAGEX, MINX, MAXX, COUNTX, etc.

Using CALCULATE with Iterating Functions

When CALCULATE is used within an iterator, it modifies the context of the row being evaluated at that moment. Every row evaluated by the iterator will have its own separate context, modified by CALCULATE's filters.

For instance, consider the following example:

    CALCULATE(Sales[Sales Amount])

In this example, the CALCULATE function is evaluating 'Sales[Sales Amount]' in a new context for each row in the 'Sales' table.

There is crucial point to remember: If the filters used in CALCULATE remove some of the rows currently being evaluated by the iterator, then those removed rows will not contribute to the final calculation. This is how CALCULATE can control and manipulate the data context within an iterator.

Crucial Aspects

In conclusion, when using CALCULATE with iterative functions, there are two crucial points to remember:

  1. The ITERATOR (SUMX, AVERAGEX etc.) functions iterate through a table row-by-row and perform calculations.
  2. The CALCULATE function modifies the context of these calculations.

By deeply understanding and accurately utilizing these functions, you can manipulate context and achieve complex analytical requirements in DAX.

If you want to explore more in depth, you can check courses on CALCULATE function, context, filters, and iteration in DAX on the Enterprise DNA platform.

Average Monthly Sales Amount for a Product

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


Consider a hypothetical scenario where you'd like to find the average sales amount per month for a particular product over a specific period, using CALCULATE and AVERAGEX functions in DAX. Write a DAX expression to solve this scenario. Your expression should appropriately utilize CALCULATE to modify context and filters, and use AVERAGEX to iterate over the required dataset.

Problem Description

You want to find the average sales amount per month for a particular product over a specific period.

DAX Solution

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a library of functions and operators that can be combined to build formulas and expressions in Power BI for data modeling and analysis.

To solve this problem, you can use a combination of the CALCULATE and AVERAGEX functions in DAX. The CALCULATE function allows you to modify the context in which an expression is evaluated, while AVERAGEX iterates over a table and evaluates an expression for each of its rows, then returns the average of those results.

Here's a DAX expression that will give you the average monthly sales amount for a specific product within a given date range:

AverageMonthlySalesAmount = 
            "MonthYear", FORMAT('Sales'[SaleDate], "MM-YYYY"),
            "SalesAmount", SUM('Sales'[SaleAmount])
     'Sales'[Product] = "<YourProduct>",
     'Sales'[SaleDate] >= DATE(2020, 1, 1),
     'Sales'[SaleDate] <= DATE(2020, 12, 31)

In this expression, replace <YourProduct> with the name of the product you're interested in. You should also adjust the date range to the specific period you'd like to consider.

In this formula:

  • SUMMARIZE is generating a summary table that includes total sales amount for each month and product.
  • AVERAGEX is then applying the average to the monthly total sales amount.
  • CALCULATE adjusts the filter context to consider only the specified product and date range.

This will return the average sales amount per month over the specified date range for the specific product, based on the data in the Sales table.

Remember, using CALCULATE and AVERAGEX in DAX provides a powerful way to perform analyses that require adjustments in context and computations over sets of rows in a data model.

Please make sure ALL the column names, table names align with your existing model. The code shares a perspective on how to come up with solution but the actual names should align with your data model columns.

Calculating Average Monthly Sales for a Specific Product

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 01/04/2024


Consider a hypothetical scenario where you'd like to find the average sales amount per month for a particular product over a specific period, using CALCULATE and AVERAGEX functions in DAX. Write a DAX expression to solve this scenario. Your expression should appropriately utilize CALCULATE to modify context and filters, and use AVERAGEX to iterate over the required dataset.

Sure, let's break this task down into two steps:

  • First, we need to use CALCULATE to create a new context for our calculation. This will allow us to compute the sales amount for a specific product over a specific period of time.

  • Second, we use AVERAGEX to iterate over the months in our modified context, calculating the average monthly sales amount.

Let's consider that you have a Sales table which has columns: SaleDate, ProductID, Amount (sales amount).

AverageMonthlySales = 
        Sales[ProductID] = "YourProductID" &&
        Sales[SaleDate] >= DATE(2020,1,1) &&
        Sales[SaleDate] <= DATE(2020,12,31)

This DAX expression is written in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language.

Let's break the code down:

  1. We're using CALCULATE to change the context for the calculation inside.
  2. AVERAGEX is an iterator function, which means it steps row-by-row through the table specified in its first argument (VALUES(Sales[SaleDate]), a list of all dates when the sales were made), and evaluates the expression given in the second argument ([TotalSales], the sales amount per date).
  3. We're using FILTER function to modify the context in the CALCULATE to only include sales for a specific product (Sales[ProductID] = "YourProductID") over a specific period (Sales[SaleDate] >= DATE(2020,1,1) and Sales[SaleDate] <= DATE(2020,12,31)).

In this case, the measure [TotalSales] calculates the total sales per date.

Note that you need to replace "YourProductID" with your actual Product ID, and you can replace the dates for your specific period.

Make sure to create the correct relationships between your tables in your data model and, also, do not forget to replace column names and table names with yours.

Enterprise DNA Platform offers an extensive variety of courses and tutorials on DAX where you can learn more about CALCULATE, AVERAGEX, context modification, and many other advanced DAX concepts.