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Use Case for SUMX in DAX

This use case demonstrates how to use the SUMX function in DAX to calculate a weighted average in Microsoft Power BI, Analysis Services, and other software using Tabular data modeling.

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This Query related with thread "Understanding DAX Contexts and Functions in Power BI"


Can you explain to me an advanced example of DAX using the SUMX function


Sure, let me provide an example of a use case for SUMX which is one of the most versatile functions in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) used for Microsoft Power BI, Analysis Services, and other software that uses Tabular data modeling.

Use SUMX function to calculate a weighted average.

Let's assume, we have a sales table listed by product and we want to calculate a weighted average price, where the weights are the quantity of each product sold.

The formula would look something like this:

Weighted Average := 
    SUMX('Sales Table', 'Sales Table'[Quantity]*'Sales Table'[Price]),
    SUM('Sales Table'[Quantity])

Here's how SUMX works:

  • The first argument 'Sales Table' is the name of the table where the SUMX function iterates each row.

  • The second argument 'Sales Table'[Quantity]*'Sales Table'[Price] is the expression that SUMX calculates for each row in the Sales Table. It calculates the total sales for each product.

  • The DIVIDE function is used to avoid possible division by zero errors.

  • The SUM('Sales Table'[Quantity]) portion of this formula calculates the total of all quantities, which will be used as the denominator for the weighted average calculation.

Remember that SUMX is a powerful function, but it can affect performance if used on large data models. The function "forces" a row-by-row operation, so it may slow down your calculations significantly if you're working with millions of rows.

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This use case showcases the application of the SUMX function in calculating a weighted average price based on the quantity of each product sold. It explains how to construct the formula using the SUMX function, the table name, and the expression for calculation. The use of the DIVIDE function to handle division by zero errors is also highlighted. It also mentions the performance implications of using SUMX on large data models and suggests utilizing resources from Enterprise DNA Platform for further learning.