Pseudo Code Generator

Enhanced To-Do List System

This pseudocode outlines a method to enhance a To-Do list system by adding a 'priority level' field to each task, allowing for task creation and editing with priority levels, and sorting tasks based on priority or due date.

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Given the pseudocode for a To-Do List site which includes creating, editing, deleting, and marking tasks, as well as user registration, login, and authorization, how could you enhance it to include 'priority level' for each task, and option to sort tasks by 'priority' or 'due date'? Adapt the existing pseudocode to incorporate these additional features.


Pseudocode - Enhanced To-Do List System

1. Data Structure

We can enhance the existing To-Do list system by adding a 'priority level' field to each task. One way to implement this is to create a class or struct for each task that includes fields such as 'title', 'description', 'due date', 'priority', etc.

2. Creating a Task with Priority Level

When creating a new task, we can prompt the user to enter the priority level along with other details such as title, description, and due date. We can validate the input and assign the provided priority level to the new task.

3. Editing a Task's Priority Level

When editing a task, we can provide an option to edit the priority level as well. The user can enter the new priority level for the task, and we can validate and update it accordingly.

4. Sorting Tasks

To sort the tasks by 'priority' or 'due date', we can provide sorting options to the user. The user can select their preferred sorting method, and we can sort the tasks based on that. For example, if the user chooses to sort by priority, we can use a sorting algorithm to arrange the tasks in ascending or descending order of priority level.

Pseudocode Example

class Task:
    title: string
    description: string
    due_date: date
    priority: int

# Creating a task
task = Task()
task.title = input("Enter task title: ")
task.description = input("Enter task description: ")
task.due_date = input("Enter task due date: ")
task.priority = input("Enter task priority level: ")

# Editing a task's priority
new_priority = input("Enter new priority level: ")
if validate_priority(new_priority):
    task.priority = new_priority

# Sorting tasks by priority
if user_input == "sort by priority":
elif user_input == "sort by due date":
    print("Invalid sorting option")

# Helper function to validate priority level
def validate_priority(priority):
    if priority.isdigit() and int(priority) >= 1 and int(priority) <= 5:
        return True
        print("Invalid priority level")
        return False

# Sorting tasks by priority helper function
def sort_tasks_by_priority(tasks):
    tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority)

# Sorting tasks by due date helper function
def sort_tasks_by_due_date(tasks):
    tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.due_date)

The above pseudocode demonstrates a possible implementation for enhancing the To-Do list system with priority levels and sorting options. It includes creating a task with a priority level, editing a task's priority level, and sorting tasks by priority or due date.

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This pseudocode provides a solution for enhancing a To-Do list system by introducing a 'priority level' field to each task. It suggests using a class or struct to represent each task, including fields such as title, description, due date, and priority. The pseudocode also includes steps for creating a new task with a priority level, editing a task's priority level, and sorting tasks based on priority or due date. The code demonstrates the use of input prompts, validation, and sorting algorithms to implement these enhancements.