
Async/Await Example OVERVIEW: Demonstrates how to implement an asynchr...

Demonstrates how to implement an asynchronous function using the async/await syntax in JavaScript. DESCRIPTION: This example script showcases the usage of the async/await pattern in JavaScript. It includes a function that simulates an asynchronous op...

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Async/Await Example OVERVIEW: Demonstrates how to implement an asynchr...


This example script showcases the usage of the async/await pattern in JavaScript. It includes a function that simulates an asynchronous operation using Promises and demonstrates how to log the start and result of the operation. The script also handles errors using try/catch blocks. This example provides a clear understanding of how to work with asynchronous functions using the async/await syntax.

NAME: Code Extender AI OVERVIEW: A tool to extend the functionality of code by analyzing its structure and adding code snippets. DESCRIPTION: Code Extender AI is an advanced tool designed to assist code developers in enhancing their existing codebase. By analyzing the code structure, it generates additional code snippets to extend functionality. It focuses solely on the syntax and structure of the code, disregarding comments. Developers should use proper documentation and clear comments in their code to provide necessary information for extending functionality. Code Extender AI serves as a valuable asset for developers seeking to improve and enhance their code efficiently.

NAME: Variable Namer AI OVERVIEW: A tool to generate variable names. DESCRIPTION: The Variable Namer AI tool assists developers in generating variable names. However, it has limitations, including struggles with context understanding, domain specificity, and creativity. It is also dependent on training data and may not capture human judgment accurately, potentially leading to variable names misaligned with the overall software system. The generated names can be ambiguous, too specific, or influenced by outdated coding standards. While Variable Namer AI provides a starting point, software engineers should review and refine the names to ensure accuracy and alignment with the code's purpose.

NAME: Express.js Server with User Authentication Middleware OVERVIEW: A guide for setting up an Express.js server with user authentication middleware using Passport.js. DESCRIPTION: This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up an Express.js server with user authentication middleware using the Passport.js library. It covers configuring middleware, establishing a database connection, defining models, creating authentication routes, and protecting routes with the authentication middleware. The guide also suggests unit testing the setup for proper functionality. By following this guide, developers can create a secure web application that requires user authentication and authorization.

NAME: Express.js Server with User Authentication Middleware Code OVERVIEW: Sets up an Express.js server with user authentication middleware using Passport.js and LocalStrategy. DESCRIPTION: The provided code establishes an Express.js server with the necessary middleware for user authentication. It utilizes Passport.js and its LocalStrategy for handling user authentication. The code includes middleware for parsing requests and cookies, managing sessions, and initializing Passport. It also contains the necessary code for validating user credentials, serializing and deserializing user objects, and defining routes that require authentication.

To use this code, you can generate it using the Code Generator AI and select the appropriate options. Save the generated code to a file and execute it using Node.js. This setup allows you to create routes that are protected by the user authentication middleware, ensuring only authenticated users can access them.

To test the Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware, create test cases for the authenticated routes. Use a testing framework like Mocha or Jest to make HTTP requests to the routes and assert the expected responses and behaviors.

The provided example demonstrates how to simulate authentication by accessing the /login route and then accessing the protected route (e.g., /dashboard) with the appropriate authentication cookies. This approach enables verification that the user authentication middleware functions correctly and protects the routes as intended.

Implementing Asynchronous Functions in JavaScript

Tool: Code Generator

Created: 12/27/2023


Can the Code Generator AI create an example script that implements asynchronous functions in JavaScript?


To create an example script that implements asynchronous functions in JavaScript.


// Function to simulate an asynchronous operation
function simulateAsyncOperation(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      // Simulating success after 1 second
      resolve(`Operation completed successfully with data: ${data}`);
      // Simulating an error after 1 second
      // reject(`Operation failed with data: ${data}`);
    }, 1000);

// Example usage of the asynchronous function
async function exampleAsyncFunction() {
  try {

    // Await for the asynchronous operation to complete
    const result = await simulateAsyncOperation('test data');

  } catch (error) {


Example Usage:


This example script demonstrates how to implement an asynchronous function in JavaScript using the async/await syntax. It includes a function simulateAsyncOperation that simulates an asynchronous operation using a Promise that resolves after a delay of 1 second. The exampleAsyncFunction is an example usage of the async/await pattern, which logs the start of the operation, waits for the asynchronous operation to complete, and then logs the result. If an error occurs, it is caught and logged.

Unit Testing:

// Add unit tests here
Code Extender AI

Tool: Code Extender

Created: 12/27/2023


Can the Code Extender AI understand comments within the given code to extend functionality?

No, the Code Extender AI cannot understand comments within the given code to extend functionality. It only analyzes the existing code structure and adds code snippets accordingly. It does not interpret or process comments as a source of information for extending functionality.

Limitations of Variable Namer AI Tool

Tool: Variable Namer

Created: 12/27/2023


What are the limitations of the Variable Namer AI tool when it comes to naming variables?

Limitations of Variable Namer AI Tool

The Variable Namer AI tool, while useful for providing meaningful names for variables, has certain limitations that need to be considered. Below are the main limitations:

1. Contextual Understanding

The Variable Namer AI tool may struggle to accurately understand the context in which the code is being used. It relies on predefined patterns and rules, which may not cover all possible scenarios. This can result in incorrect or misleading variable names.

2. Domain Specificity

The Variable Namer AI tool may not be designed to handle domain-specific terms or concepts. It may not have the necessary knowledge to choose appropriate names for variables related to specific industries or specialized fields of study.

3. Language Limitations

The Variable Namer AI tool may have limitations when it comes to different programming languages. It may not fully understand the syntax and conventions of all programming languages, leading to inappropriate or invalid variable names.

4. Limited Creativity

The Variable Namer AI tool may lack creativity in generating variable names. It may provide generic or predictable names, which may not effectively communicate the purpose or functionality of the variable.

5. Lack of Human Judgment

The Variable Namer AI tool may not be able to capture the nuances and insights that a human software engineer can provide. It may not consider the broader design and architecture of the software system, leading to names that do not align with the overall codebase.

6. Ambiguity and Overfitting

The Variable Namer AI tool may generate variable names that are ambiguous or too specific to a particular use case. This can make the variable names less reusable and harder to understand for other developers working on the codebase.

7. Dependencies on Training Data

The Variable Namer AI tool's effectiveness depends on the quality and diversity of the training data it has been exposed to. If the training data is limited or biased, the tool may produce suboptimal variable names.

8. Lack of Adaptability

The Variable Namer AI tool may struggle to adapt to changing requirements or evolving coding standards. It may not be able to incorporate new conventions or best practices, resulting in outdated or inconsistent variable names.

While the Variable Namer AI tool can provide a starting point for generating variable names, it is important for software engineers to review and refine the generated names to ensure they accurately represent the purpose and functionality of the variables. The tool should be used as a helpful aid, rather than a definitive solution.

Setting Up an Express.js Server with User Authentication Middleware

Tool: Code Generator

Created: 12/27/2023


Can the Code Generator AI produce an Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware?

Unfortunately, the Code Generator AI cannot produce an Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware directly. However, I can guide you through the process of setting up an Express.js server with user authentication middleware using the Passport.js library.

Passport.js is a popular authentication library that provides a wide range of authentication strategies like local, social (e.g., Google, Facebook, etc.), and more. It is also highly extensible, allowing you to integrate custom authentication strategies if needed.

To set up an Express.js server with user authentication middleware, follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install express passport passport-local express-session
  1. Set up the Express.js server, configure middleware, and database connection:
const express = require('express');
const passport = require('passport');
const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
const session = require('express-session');

const app = express();

// Configure session middleware
  secret: 'your-secret-key',
  resave: false,
  saveUninitialized: false

// Configure passport.initialize() middleware

// Configure passport.session() middleware

// Set up database connection

// Define models

// Define routes

// Start the server
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server started on port 3000');
  1. Configure Passport.js strategies:
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
  (username, password, done) => {
    // Use your database model to find the user by username and validate the password
    User.findOne({ username: username }, (err, user) => {
      if (err) return done(err);
      if (!user) return done(null, false, { message: 'Incorrect username.' });
      if (!user.validPassword(password)) return done(null, false, { message: 'Incorrect password.' });
      return done(null, user);
  1. Configure Passport.js serialization and deserialization:
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {

passport.deserializeUser((id, done) => {
  User.findById(id, (err, user) => {
    done(err, user);
  1. Define routes for authentication:'/login', passport.authenticate('local', {
  successRedirect: '/',
  failureRedirect: '/login'

app.get('/logout', (req, res) => {
  1. Protect your routes by adding the authentication middleware:
function requireAuth(req, res, next) {
  if (req.isAuthenticated()) {
    return next();

app.get('/', requireAuth, (req, res) => {
  res.send('Authenticated route');

Now, you have an Express.js server with user authentication middleware using Passport.js. You can further customize the authentication setup and add additional strategies as needed.

Example usage:

// Set up Express.js server with user authentication middleware
// ...

// Set up your routes and models
// ...

// Start the server
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server started on port 3000');

Unit testing:

To unit test this setup, you can use libraries like Mocha and Chai to test each component of the server and authentication middleware. Perform tests to ensure that user registration, authentication, and protected routes work as expected.

Express.js Server Setup with User Authentication Middleware

Tool: Code Generator

Created: 12/28/2023


Can the Code Generator AI produce an Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware?

Yes, the Code Generator AI can produce an Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware.

Here is an example code snippet that can be generated by the Code Generator AI:

// Import required packages
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const session = require('express-session');
const passport = require('passport');
const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;

// Initialize Express app
const app = express();

// Set up middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.use(session({ secret: 'secret', resave: false, saveUninitialized: false }));

// Set up user authentication middleware
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
  (username, password, done) => {
    // Validate username and password here
    // Call done() with appropriate arguments based on validation result

passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
  // Serialize user object here
  // Call done() with appropriate arguments

passport.deserializeUser((user, done) => {
  // Deserialize user object here
  // Call done() with appropriate arguments

// Define your routes here
// Example: app.get('/dashboard', isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { ... });

// Start server
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server started on port 3000');

Usage Example:

You can generate the Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware by running the Code Generator AI and selecting the appropriate options. The generated code can then be saved to a file and executed using Node.js to start the server.

By using this setup, you can create routes that are protected by the user authentication middleware, ensuring that only authenticated users can access those routes.

Unit Testing:

To test the Express.js server setup with user authentication middleware, you can create test cases for the routes that require authentication. This can be done using a testing framework like Mocha or Jest, by making HTTP requests to the routes and asserting the expected responses or behaviors.

const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('./app'); // Replace with the path to your generated app file

describe('Protected Routes', () => {
  it('should return 401 Unauthorized when accessing a protected route without authentication', async () => {
    const res = await request(app).get('/dashboard');
    expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('error', 'Unauthorized');

  it('should return 200 OK when accessing a protected route with authentication', async () => {
    const agent = request.agent(app);
    await'/login').send({ username: 'testuser', password: 'password' });

    const res = await agent.get('/dashboard');
    expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('message', 'Welcome to the dashboard');

In the above example, we are using the supertest package to make HTTP requests to our Express.js server and asserting the expected responses using the expect function from a testing framework like Jest or Jasmine.

This allows us to test the protected routes by simulating authentication using the /login route and then accessing the protected route (e.g., /dashboard) with the appropriate authentication cookies.

Python Express.js Routing

Tool: Tools Advisor

Created: 01/03/2024


Express.js routing

Python Express.js Routing

When it comes to routing in Python, Express.js is not a native library. Express.js is a popular web framework for Node.js. However, in Python, you can achieve similar routing functionality using different frameworks such as Flask or Django.

Flask Framework

Flask is a lightweight web framework that provides a routing system similar to Express.js. Here are the main points to consider when using Flask for routing in Python:

  1. Installation: Install Flask using pip. Open your terminal and run the following command:
pip install flask
  1. Routing Example: Below is an example of creating routes using Flask:
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/')  # Root route
def index():
    return 'Welcome to the homepage'

@app.route('/about')  # About page route
def about():
    return 'About page'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Route Parameters: Flask supports route parameters similar to Express.js. You can define route parameters inside the route path using <variable_name> syntax. Here's an example:
def user_profile(username):
    return f'Profile page of {username}'

You can access the username parameter within the route function.

  1. HTTP Methods: Flask supports various HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, etc. You can define different routes for each method. Here's an example:
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return 'Login successful'
        return 'Please login'

You can handle different methods within the same route function.


Python provides several web frameworks that offer routing functionality similar to Express.js. Flask is one such framework that is lightweight and easy to use. With Flask, you can define routes, handle route parameters, and support various HTTP methods. Start by installing Flask, define your routes, and handle requests accordingly.

If you are interested in learning more about Python web development with Flask or other frameworks, you can check out courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

To-Do List Site Pseudocode

Tool: Pseudo Code Generator

Created: 01/03/2024


to do list site

Title: Pseudocode - To Do List Site


The following pseudocode outlines the main logic for a To-Do List site. It covers the creation, editing, and deletion of tasks, as well as marking tasks as completed. It also includes basic user authentication and authorization.


Task Model:

  • Define a Task model with properties like id, title, description, completed, and created_at

User Model:

  • Define a User model with properties like id, username, password

User Registration:

  • Create a route for user registration
  • Accept username and password from the user
  • Create a new User instance with the provided username and password
  • Save the user instance to the database

User Login:

  • Create a route for user login
  • Accept username and password from the user
  • Query the database to find the user with the given username
  • If a user is found and the password matches, generate a token and send it to the user

User Authorization:

  • For each authenticated request, validate the token provided by the user
  • If the token is valid, allow the user to proceed
  • Otherwise, return an error message indicating unauthorized access

Create Task:

  • Create a route for creating a new task
  • Accept task details like title and description
  • Create a new Task instance with the provided details
  • Assign the task to the logged-in user
  • Save the task instance to the database

Get Tasks:

  • Create a route for getting all tasks for the logged-in user
  • Query the database to fetch all tasks associated with the logged-in user
  • Return the tasks as a JSON response

Update Task:

  • Create a route for updating a task
  • Accept task ID and updated details like title, description, and completed status
  • Query the database to find the task with the given ID and associated with the logged-in user
  • If a task is found, update its details with the provided values
  • Save the updated task instance to the database

Mark Task as Completed:

  • Create a route for marking a task as completed
  • Accept task ID
  • Query the database to find the task with the given ID and associated with the logged-in user
  • If a task is found, update its completed status to true
  • Save the updated task instance to the database

Delete Task:

  • Create a route for deleting a task
  • Accept task ID
  • Query the database to find the task with the given ID and associated with the logged-in user
  • If a task is found, delete it from the database


The above pseudocode outlines the main logic for a To-Do List site. It covers user registration, login, and authorization. It also includes functionality to create, update, mark as completed, and delete tasks. This pseudocode can serve as a guide for implementing the features in a programming language of your choice.

Enhanced To-Do List System

Tool: Pseudo Code Generator

Created: 01/03/2024


Given the pseudocode for a To-Do List site which includes creating, editing, deleting, and marking tasks, as well as user registration, login, and authorization, how could you enhance it to include 'priority level' for each task, and option to sort tasks by 'priority' or 'due date'? Adapt the existing pseudocode to incorporate these additional features.

Pseudocode - Enhanced To-Do List System

1. Data Structure

We can enhance the existing To-Do list system by adding a 'priority level' field to each task. One way to implement this is to create a class or struct for each task that includes fields such as 'title', 'description', 'due date', 'priority', etc.

2. Creating a Task with Priority Level

When creating a new task, we can prompt the user to enter the priority level along with other details such as title, description, and due date. We can validate the input and assign the provided priority level to the new task.

3. Editing a Task's Priority Level

When editing a task, we can provide an option to edit the priority level as well. The user can enter the new priority level for the task, and we can validate and update it accordingly.

4. Sorting Tasks

To sort the tasks by 'priority' or 'due date', we can provide sorting options to the user. The user can select their preferred sorting method, and we can sort the tasks based on that. For example, if the user chooses to sort by priority, we can use a sorting algorithm to arrange the tasks in ascending or descending order of priority level.

Pseudocode Example

class Task:
    title: string
    description: string
    due_date: date
    priority: int

# Creating a task
task = Task()
task.title = input("Enter task title: ")
task.description = input("Enter task description: ")
task.due_date = input("Enter task due date: ")
task.priority = input("Enter task priority level: ")

# Editing a task's priority
new_priority = input("Enter new priority level: ")
if validate_priority(new_priority):
    task.priority = new_priority

# Sorting tasks by priority
if user_input == "sort by priority":
elif user_input == "sort by due date":
    print("Invalid sorting option")

# Helper function to validate priority level
def validate_priority(priority):
    if priority.isdigit() and int(priority) >= 1 and int(priority) <= 5:
        return True
        print("Invalid priority level")
        return False

# Sorting tasks by priority helper function
def sort_tasks_by_priority(tasks):
    tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority)

# Sorting tasks by due date helper function
def sort_tasks_by_due_date(tasks):
    tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.due_date)

The above pseudocode demonstrates a possible implementation for enhancing the To-Do list system with priority levels and sorting options. It includes creating a task with a priority level, editing a task's priority level, and sorting tasks by priority or due date.

Pseudocode for Task Class Analysis

Tool: Pseudo Code Generator

Created: 01/03/2024


class Task:
    title: string
    description: string
    due_date: date
    priority: int

# Creating a task
task = Task()
task.title = input("Enter task title: ")
task.description = input("Enter task description: ")
task.due_date = input("Enter task due date: ")
task.priority = input("Enter task priority level: ")

# Editing a task's priority
new_priority = input("Enter new priority level: ")
if validate_priority(new_priority):
    task.priority = new_priority

# Sorting tasks by priority
if user_input == "sort by priority":
elif user_input == "sort by due date":
    print("Invalid sorting option")

# Helper function to validate priority level
def validate_priority(priority):
    if priority.isdigit() and int(priority) >= 1 and int(priority) <= 5:
        return True
        print("Invalid priority level")
        return False

# Sorting tasks by priority helper function
def sort_tasks_by_priority(tasks):
    tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority)

# Sorting tasks by due date helper function
def sort_tasks_by_due_date(tasks):
    tasks.sort(key=lambda x: x.due_date)

Pseudocode for Task Class

# Task class definition
class Task:
    title: string
    description: string
    due_date: date
    priority: int

# Creating a task
task = Task()
task.title = input("Enter task title: ")
task.description = input("Enter task description: ")
task.due_date = input("Enter task due date: ")
task.priority = input("Enter task priority level: ")

# Editing a task's priority
new_priority = input("Enter new priority level: ")
if validate_priority(new_priority):
    task.priority = new_priority

# Sorting tasks by priority
if user_input == "sort by priority":
elif user_input == "sort by due date":
    print("Invalid sorting option")

# Helper function to validate priority level
def validate_priority(priority):
    if priority is a valid integer between 1 and 5:
        return True
        print("Invalid priority level")
        return False

# Sorting tasks by priority helper function
def sort_tasks_by_priority(tasks):
    sort tasks based on priority

# Sorting tasks by due date helper function
def sort_tasks_by_due_date(tasks):
    sort tasks based on due date


  • The pseudocode demonstrates the main structure and logic of the problem.
  • It defines a Task class with properties title, description, due_date, and priority.
  • It creates a task object (task) by taking input from the user for the task's properties.
  • It allows the user to edit the task's priority by validating and setting a new priority level.
  • It provides options to sort tasks by priority or due date based on user input.
  • It includes helper functions validate_priority, sort_tasks_by_priority, and sort_tasks_by_due_date to validate priority levels and sort tasks.