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Python Express.js Routing

Explore how to achieve routing functionality in Python using different frameworks like Flask, similar to Express.js. Learn about installing Flask, creating routes, handling route parameters, and supporting various HTTP methods.

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Express.js routing


Python Express.js Routing

When it comes to routing in Python, Express.js is not a native library. Express.js is a popular web framework for Node.js. However, in Python, you can achieve similar routing functionality using different frameworks such as Flask or Django.

Flask Framework

Flask is a lightweight web framework that provides a routing system similar to Express.js. Here are the main points to consider when using Flask for routing in Python:

  1. Installation: Install Flask using pip. Open your terminal and run the following command:
pip install flask
  1. Routing Example: Below is an example of creating routes using Flask:
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/')  # Root route
def index():
    return 'Welcome to the homepage'

@app.route('/about')  # About page route
def about():
    return 'About page'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Route Parameters: Flask supports route parameters similar to Express.js. You can define route parameters inside the route path using <variable_name> syntax. Here's an example:
def user_profile(username):
    return f'Profile page of {username}'

You can access the username parameter within the route function.

  1. HTTP Methods: Flask supports various HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, etc. You can define different routes for each method. Here's an example:
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return 'Login successful'
        return 'Please login'

You can handle different methods within the same route function.


Python provides several web frameworks that offer routing functionality similar to Express.js. Flask is one such framework that is lightweight and easy to use. With Flask, you can define routes, handle route parameters, and support various HTTP methods. Start by installing Flask, define your routes, and handle requests accordingly.

If you are interested in learning more about Python web development with Flask or other frameworks, you can check out courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This article provides an overview of how to achieve routing functionality in Python using frameworks like Flask. It starts by explaining that Express.js is not a native library in Python, but Flask can provide similar routing functionality. The article then walks through the installation process for Flask using pip and provides an example of creating routes in Flask. It also covers route parameters and how to handle different HTTP methods in Flask. The article concludes by suggesting further learning resources for Python web development with Flask and other frameworks.