Code Visualizer | DAX

Hierarchical Computation Measures Visualization

Visualize hierarchically structured computation measures including TotalSales, AverageSalesPrice, PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice, AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff, Top5CustomersBaseOnSales, and AverageSalesPriceYoYDiffTop5 using DOT language. This

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TotalSales = SUM('Sales'[SalesAmount])

// Calculate the average sales price
AverageSalesPrice = DIVIDE([TotalSales], SUM('Sales'[Quantity]), 0)

// Calculate the previous year's average sales price
PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice = CALCULATE([AverageSalesPrice], SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))

// Calculate the YoY difference
AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff = [AverageSalesPrice] - [PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice]

// To get the top 5 customers based on sales
Top5CustomersBaseOnSales = 
    SUMMARIZE(Customers[CustomerName], "totalSales", [TotalSales]), 

// Calculate the average sales YoY difference for the top 5 customers.
AverageSalesPriceYoYDiffTop5 = 
    KEEPFILTERS(TREATAS([Top5CustomersBaseOnSales], Customers[CustomerName]))


Your provided code snippet is structured and organized, exhibiting six main computation measures: TotalSales, AverageSalesPrice, PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice, AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff, Top5CustomersBaseOnSales, and AverageSalesPriceYoYDiffTop5. This can be visually represented in a hierarchical fashion, starting from the generic measures to more specific ones.

Before proceeding with the DOT notation, please note the following:

  • The DOT language is primarily used for graphical representation of hierarchical and non-hierarchical relationships between entities or data. It does not inherently support commercial tools-based codes like DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) which your provided code is written in.
  • The DOT language ideally suits system dependencies, computer networks, flowcharts, and other use-cases where visual representation benefits the understanding.

Given these restrictions, we'll follow a broad interpretation of your code structure in DOT language within the capabilities of DOT.

digraph G {
  "TotalSales" -> "AverageSalesPrice";
  "AverageSalesPrice" -> "PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice";
  "AverageSalesPrice" -> "AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff";
  "PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice" -> "AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff";
  "TotalSales" -> "Top5CustomersBaseOnSales";
  "Top5CustomersBaseOnSales" -> "AverageSalesPriceYoYDiffTop5";
  "AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff" -> "AverageSalesPriceYoYDiffTop5";

In this DOT graph, each node represents a computation measure and directed edges represent dependency for calculations. This graph follows a top-down approach; for instance, TotalSales is calculated first and is a dependency in calculations of AverageSalesPrice and Top5CustomersBaseOnSales.

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Visualize hierarchically structured computation measures including TotalSales, AverageSalesPrice, PreviousYearAvgSalesPrice, AverageSalesPriceYoYDiff, Top5CustomersBaseOnSales, and AverageSalesPriceYoYDiffTop5 using DOT language. This representation aids in understanding dependencies for data analysis.