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SQL Script for Weekly Sales Total

This SQL script fetches the total sales for each week based on sales order information.

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    DATE_TRUNC('week', soh.orderdate) AS week_start_date,
    SUM(sod.orderqty * sod.unitprice) AS total_sales
    {{ Table("salesorderheader") }} soh
    {{ Table("salesorderdetail") }} sod ON soh.salesorderid = sod.salesorderid



This SQL script is used to fetch the total sales for each week based on sales order information.

Query Explanation

    DATE_TRUNC('week', soh.orderdate) AS week_start_date,
    SUM(sod.orderqty * sod.unitprice) AS total_sales
    {{ Table("salesorderheader") }} soh -- Table Alias
    {{ Table("salesorderdetail") }} sod ON soh.salesorderid = sod.salesorderid -- Joining on salesorderid
    week_start_date --Grouping results by week_start_date
    week_start_date; --Ordering results by week_start_date
  1. The query is selecting data and performing computations to aggregate the sales information
  2. The DATE_TRUNC('week', soh.orderdate) function is used to truncate the order date to the beginning of the week. This essentially gives us the week start date for each record.
  3. The SUM(sod.orderqty * sod.unitprice) operation is calculating the total sales for each week. It does this by multiplying the order quantity (orderqty) by the unit price (unitprice) for each record, and then summing these results.
  4. The FROM {{ Table("salesorderheader") }} soh statement is selecting from the ECMAScript (no SQL standard for table defining as functions known) salesorderheader table with an alias soh for further reference in the query.
  5. The JOIN {{ Table("salesorderdetail") }} sod ON soh.salesorderid = sod.salesorderid statement is joining the salesorderdetail table with alias sod with the salesorderheader table based on the salesorderid. This links together related records from the two tables.
  6. The GROUP BY week_start_date clause is grouping the result set by the start date of the week.
  7. Finally, the ORDER BY week_start_date clause is ordering the result set in ascending order by the start date of the week.

For deeper knowledge of SQL query creation and optimization, you might find relevant the SQL courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This SQL script calculates the total sales for each week by joining the salesorderheader and salesorderdetail tables and grouping the results by the start date of the week. It uses the DATE_TRUNC function to truncate the order date to the beginning of the week and performs the SUM operation to calculate the total sales. The script is structured with clear explanations and can be used as a reference for creating similar queries. For further learning and optimization of SQL query creation, you can explore the SQL courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.