Complexity Estimator | DAX

Time and Space Complexity Analysis of SQL Query

This analysis discusses the time and space complexity of a given SQL query, highlighting the main operations involved and providing estimations for their time and space complexities. It also suggests possible optimizations for improving performance.

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    DATE_TRUNC('week', soh.orderdate) AS week_start_date,
    SUM(sod.orderqty * sod.unitprice) AS total_sales
    {{ Table("salesorderheader") }} soh
    {{ Table("salesorderdetail") }} sod ON soh.salesorderid = sod.salesorderid


Time complexity Analysis:

This problem's time complexity cannot be evaluated accurately using Big-O notation, as it's entirely dependent on how your SQL server parses and executes the query. However, we could make estimations based on fundamental operations involved in the query.

The main operations in this SQL script are:

  1. Joining
  2. Aggregation functions (Sum, Group By, Order By)
  3. Date truncating

The Join operation, depending upon the type, typically has a worst-case time complexity of O(n*m) [n: number of rows in the first table, m: number of rows in the second table].

Both 'Group By' and 'Order By' operations involve sorting and have a best-case scenario time complexity of O(n log n) and worst-case scenario of O(n^2) [n: total rows after the join operation].

Conversion functions like DATE_TRUNC would typically take a linear time complexity of O(n), the number of records being passed through the function.

So, in the worst-case scenario, the time complexity could be considered as O(n^2 * m^2).

Space complexity Analysis:

The space complexity is primarily defined by the memory needed to store intermediate results of operations (especially Join, Group By, and Order By operations). The more records or columns these operations return or use, the more memory will be used.

Assuming 'n' as the total number of records after the join operation and 'm' as the total number of groupings created by 'Group By', the space complexity would be O(n * m).


  1. An index on the 'salesorderid' column in both tables, to expedite Join operations.
  2. Consider storing the truncation results temporarily to improve the speed of computations instead of truncating it each time.
  3. Reducing the number of rows through where conditions before executing join or group by operations would also help in enhancing performance.

However, one should examine the actual execution plan in the context of the SQL server they are using to identify bottlenecks and apply optimizations. Courses on SQL optimisation using execution plans at Enterprise DNA Platform can provide deep insights into this.

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The analysis begins by noting that accurately evaluating the time complexity of the SQL query using Big-O notation is not possible due to its dependency on the SQL server's parsing and execution. However, estimations can be made based on fundamental operations. The main operations identified are Joining, Aggregation functions (Sum, Group By, Order By), and Date truncating. The worst-case time complexity of the Join operation is O(n*m), where n is the number of rows in the first table and m is the number of rows in the second table. The 'Group By' and 'Order By' operations have a best-case time complexity of O(n log n) and a worst-case of O(n^2), while the Date truncating operation takes linear time of O(n). The worst-case time complexity is estimated to be O(n^2 * m^2). Regarding space complexity, it is primarily determined by the memory needed to store intermediate results of operations. Assuming n as the total number of records after the join operation and m as the total number of groupings created by 'Group By', the space complexity is estimated as O(n * m). The analysis also suggests several optimizations, including creating an index on the relevant column, storing truncation results temporarily, and reducing rows through where conditions. It emphasizes the importance of examining the execution plan and offers resources for further learning.