
Methods to Select HTML Elements by ID in JavaScript

This tutorial explores different techniques in JavaScript to select HTML elements by their ID, including document.getElementById(), document.querySelector(), jQuery, and more. The examples demonstrate how to create and manipulate paragraphs and appen...

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Methods to Select HTML Elements by ID in JavaScript


This tutorial explores different techniques in JavaScript to select HTML elements by their ID, including document.getElementById(), document.querySelector(), jQuery, and more. The examples demonstrate how to create and manipulate paragraphs and append them to selected elements.

JavaScript Code for Appending Text to HTML Element

Tool: Code Issues Solver

Created: 01/09/2024


// Select an HTML element by its ID
var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");

// Create a new paragraph element
var paragraph = document.createElement("p");

// Set the text content of the paragraph
paragraph.textContent = "Hello, World!";

// Append the paragraph to the selected element

The code provided selects an HTML element by its ID, creates a new paragraph element, sets the text content of the paragraph, and appends the paragraph to the selected element. It effectively adds the "Hello, World!" text to the chosen output element in the HTML document.

// JavaScript solution

// Select an HTML element by its ID
var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");

// Create a new paragraph element
var paragraph = document.createElement("p");

// Set the text content of the paragraph
paragraph.textContent = "Hello, World!";

// Append the paragraph to the selected element

Example: HTML:

<div id="output"></div>


// Select an HTML element by its ID
var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");

// Create a new paragraph element
var paragraph = document.createElement("p");

// Set the text content of the paragraph
paragraph.textContent = "Hello, World!";

// Append the paragraph to the selected element

Unit Testing:

  • Test that the output element exists and is selected correctly by its ID.
  • Test that a new paragraph element is created.
  • Test that the text content of the paragraph is set to "Hello, World!".
  • Test that the paragraph is successfully appended to the selected output element.